About Arbortext Styler > Arbortext Styler Window and Editors > Columns in List Views
Columns in List Views
The set of columns of columns available for viewing information about an object differs according to the object list view selected.
Note that you can customize the display of these columns for your Arbortext Styler window, via the View > Configure Columns menu option.
The table below summarizes the columns available for each list type:
Columns in UI for each List View
RTF Style/Field
Precedence Category
Source Edits
Property Sets
Page Sets
Page Types
Page Regions
Generated Contents
Tables of Contents
Custom Tables
Cross References
Combined Fonts
A description of each column is given below:
Style - The style associated with the element or its context.
When you are styling a DITA document, Arbortext Styler detects when an unstyled, specialized DITA element has an associated base element that has been styled and provides that information in this column. For example, the DITA step element is a specialization of the li element. If you have styled li but not step, Arbortext Styler applies the styling for the li element and displays the following message in the Elements list for the step element:
Unstyled (List Item by specialization)
If you hover the cursor over this message, the following additional information is provided in a tooltip:
(Specialization of li, using List Item style)
Since it is only possible to apply a style to an element, this column is only available in the Elements list.
RTF Style/Field - The RTF style or field (if one is defined) associated with the element. RTF Styles and Fields are associated with elements using the features on the RTF properties category in the Arbortext Styler window.
Since it is only possible to apply a style to an element or context, this column is only available in the Elements list.
Precedence CategoryThis is an image of a blue square. - The state of the object with regard to other modules included in the stylesheet. The state is indicated by one of the following icons:
This is an image of a blue square. - The definition only occurs is in one module.
This is an image of a blue square on top of a white square. - The definition overrides a definition in another module.
This is an image of a white square on top of a blue square. - The definition is overridden by a definition in another module.
Module - The name of the stylesheet module in the module hierarchy that contains the object. The name of the root module is displayed in the title bar. If the definition is in a read-only module, text in the Elements, Style, and Module columns is grayed out and a small lock icon appears over the element icon.
This is a screenshot of the list view for an element defined in a module
This column is blank if the selected element is in the root module.
Source Edits (This is an image of an orange square.) - Whether the element or any of its contexts have edited source. The presence of edited source is indicated by the presence of an orange tick in the Source Edits column:
This is a screenshot of the list view for an element with edited source
This is useful if you navigate your stylesheet with the elements collapsed. If an element context has edited source but the element itself does not, the orange square around the element icon does not appear in the UI but the presence of the orange tick indicates that one of the element’s contexts has edited. The orange square only indicates the presence of edited source at element level. See Identifying Items that have Edited Source for further information.
Comment - The first lines of text for any comments entered by the user for the selected item or context. If the comment is longer than the size of the column, ellipses will indicate that there is additional text to be read. A tooltip containing the first 255 characters of the comment will be displayed if you hover the cursor over the column. The full text of the comment is displayed in the Comment tab of the middle section of the window.
This is a screenshot of the list view for an element with edited source
The widths of the columns in the list view are saved as a preference when Arbortext Styler closes, and will be opened to the saved widths when a new Arbortext Styler session starts.