This section describes how
Arbortext Styler resolves and displays property values when you select a context. There are two cases - when
Arbortext Styler can fully resolve the context, and when
Arbortext Styler can only partially resolve the context. Refer to
Resolving Property Values for further information.
The following steps describe how to fully resolve property values. There are two variants on partial resolution:
• References to the resolution of conditions are ignored if > is turned off.
• If you have selected a context in the Elements list in Arbortext Styler, the process is the same as for full resolution except:
◦ Steps that examine conditions are skipped.
◦ Steps that start “if the property can be derived from an ancestor:” are skipped. Instead, properties without values at that point remain unresolved.
Base (All Outputs)
If the Outputs to edit field is set to Base (All Outputs), the possible sources of a property's value, and their order of precedence, are shown in the following list. Arbortext Styler examines each possible source in the order shown, and stops when it finds a value for the property.
1. Examine conditions from last to first, and for each one that is true:
a. Determine if there is an explicit setting in the condition's base properties.
b. Examine the property sets that the condition's base properties use, from last to first, and, for each property set, determine if it sets the property value.
2. Determine if there is an explicit setting in the context's base properties.
3. Examine the property sets that the context's base properties use, from last to first, and, for each property set, determine if it sets the property value.
Arbortext Styler follows the processing order described in Property sets below for each property set.
4. If the property cannot be derived from an ancestor, Arbortext Styler applies the property's default value.
5. If the property can be derived from an ancestor:
a. In the Arbortext Editor document, Arbortext Editor finds the parent element of the element whose context is being resolved. Arbortext Editor then finds the matching context for that element in the stylesheet, and searches for the property's value in that context using the same rules as described here, starting at step 1 above.
b. If no value is set for the property after Arbortext Styler examines all the parent elements, Arbortext Styler applies the property's default value.
Outputs Other Than Base (All Outputs)
If the Outputs to edit field is set to a value other than Base (All Outputs), the possible sources of a property's value, and their order of precedence, is as shown below. Arbortext Styler examines each possible source in the order shown, and stops when it finds a value for the property.
1. Examine conditions from last to first, and for each condition that is true:
a. Determine if there is an explicit setting in the condition's use-specific properties for the selected use.
b. Examine the property sets that the condition's use-specific properties reference, from last to first, and, for each property set, determine if it sets the property value.
c. Determine if there is an explicit setting in the condition's base properties.
d. Examine the property sets that the condition's base properties reference, from last to first, and, for each property set, determine if it sets the property value.
2. Determine if there is an explicit setting in the context's use-specific properties for the selected use.
3. Examine the property sets that the context's use-specific properties reference, from last to first, and, for each property set, determine if it sets the property value.
4. Determine if there is an explicit setting in the context's base properties.
5. Examine the property sets that the context's base properties use, from last to first, and for each property set, determine if it sets the property value.
6. If the property cannot be derived from an ancestor, Arbortext Styler uses the property's default value.
7. If the property can be derived from an ancestor:
a. In the document, Arbortext Editor finds the parent element of the element whose context is being resolved. Arbortext Editor then finds the matching context for that element in the stylesheet, and searches for the property's value in that context using the same rules as described here, starting at step 1 above.
b. If no value is set for the property after Arbortext Styler examines all the parent elements, Arbortext Styler applies the property's default value.
When examining property sets, Arbortext Styler follows the processing order described in Property sets below for each property set.