Area in UI
Text category
• Dotted underlines, and other styles of underline, are not identical between FOSI and PTC ALD
Indent category
• The following indent property settings are not supported in PTC ALD:
◦ First line:
▪ relative to left margin (displayed same as relative to current left indent)
▪ relative to parent first line indent (displayed same as relative to current left indent)
• When Block elements with indents relative to the margin are used within table cells, the margin is treated as the cell boundary. Cell padding is not used.
Spacing category
• Settings made in the Minimum field for the Allow space to vary options are ignored - space will be stretched between the Preferred and Maximum values
• PTC ALD and FOSI have different ways of applying line spacing. This can result in different amounts of vertical space between lines in cases where blocks using different font sizes are adjacent to each other.
Breaks category
• The on same page option of the Keep scope field in the Keeps dialog box (accessed via the Print/PDF Keeps button) is not supported. If the setting is made for a multi-column page, keeps will be applied on a column-by-column basis. The content pieces to be kept together must therefore exist in the same column if they are to appear on the same page.
• If Word breaking is set to Do not break, and a word is too large for a table cell, PTC ALD will hyphenate (at a valid location if there is one, but at an invalid location if need be). This differs to the processing for FOSI output, which will overrun the cell and emit an error message.
If Word breaking is set to Hyphenate but there are no valid hyphenation points, PTC ALD will still hyphenate if a word is too big for a cell.
• A run-in configuration must start with an element styled with a With following or With both run-in setting.
Generated text category
• Advanced parameter settings for an index (see the > menu option in the Generated Text Editor) are ignored
Side by side category
• If a non-zero value is set for Horizontal gap, PTC ALD will use either the value of the field or the gap that results from indent settings, whichever is the larger.
• Values specified in em are not permitted in the Horizontal offset, Width, and Horizontal gap fields. If such a size is used, PTC ALD will treat 1em as the current font size.
Elements list
• Display of unstyled elements in a different tag color (see the > menu option) is only available with a preview action in PTC ALD.
• Unpredictable results may occur when a context is processed via PTC ALD, if its position in the document is defined via an XPath predicate that specifies an explicit level in the document hierarchy. To avoid this situation, use the more general parent and ancestor position options.
• You may only edit the source of individual contexts in PTC ALD - the option to edit the source of an element is not supported
Page Sets list
• PTC ALD displays a page with a pink background color if no page set has been specified for the page, or if there's an error processing the page set data. An error message will explain the problem.
Page Regions list
• PTC ALD supports these graphic types for an underlay in a page region:
• PTC ALD supports the orient attribute on OASIS table wrappers. This allows a table to be presented in landscape mode on a page that has portrait content, or vice versa.
FOSI and XSL-FO engines do not support the orient attribute. To present landscape tables with these engines use controls in the Breaks category, but note that all the content on the body of the page will be in landscape format, not just the table. Headers and footers on the page will still be presented in portrait view.
• The dotted and dashed rules that can be added to a table row broken by deep content splitting are not supported.
• Formatting of tables will throw an error if any columns in the table have a width that is less than the sum of the left and right cell margins applied to the table.
• PTC ALD will ignore a row height PI if it would cause text to overflow the row. The FOSI engine will overset the text in this case.
• PDF graphics are supported in PTC ALD’s PDF and PDF Preview output, but not in its print output.
• Transparency in some graphic formats is not supported. For example, a .gif file that defines magenta as the transparent color will display magenta areas when the document is published in PTC ALD.
• The following are not supported when processing graphics in PNG format:
◦ GIF alpha channels
◦ GIF custom pixel aspect ratios
• CGM segment entity is not supported.
• Alternate text is not supported for page region graphics.
• If two footnotes with identical content occur on the same page, PTC ALD will create a single footnote entry for that text and all uses will have the same footnote number.
FOSI will create new footnotes for each use.
In FOSI and XSL-FO outputs, footnotes are only classed as duplicates and merged if both their marker and content are identical.
• When footnotes are used within a table header and the table spans two or more pages, PTC ALD will create a new footnote entry for each instance of the header. The footnote will appear with a new number on each page.
FOSI will create a single footnote entry on the first page containing the table. All instances of the header refer to this single footnote.
• Relative XPath expressions in generated text evaluated in the footnote area are not supported in print/PDF output generated by the PTC ALD engine.
The XPath expression must start navigation from the root of the document.
• The size of spaces between words in fully justified text will differ in PTC ALD output as it uses different hyphenation and justification algorithms to FOSI.
• The size of spaces between words in non justified text may differ in PTC ALD output. In PTC ALD output, the size of the space will always be 0.25em. In FOSI output, the size of the space is determined by data in the font.
• The default end-of-sentence space will differ in PTC ALD output. In FOSI output, space is approximately 0.42em whereas in PTC ALD output the space will be 0.25em in size, i.e. PTC ALD’s normal space width.
• PTC ALD does not support formatting of equations created by PTC Arbortext’s equation editor.
• It is not possible to edit the source of header or footer objects.
• PTC ALD supports the underlay method for draft watermark, which is also the default method for FOSI. PTC ALD does not allow you to choose the overlay method in application.xml as you can with FOSI.
• If a cross reference is missing its target attribute, it will still appear as an active link in PTC ALD PDF output. It will not lead anywhere when clicked.
Arbortext Editor features
• The following processing instructions will not be reflected in output generated via the PTC ALD engine:
◦ _eos-space (End-of-Sentence Space)
◦ _nopagebreak (No Page Break Region)
◦ _nocolumnbreak (No Column Break Region)
◦ _texmac (TeX Macro)
◦ _texmacpair (TeX Macro Pair)
• Custom touchup instructions defined in the Touchup (FOSI only) dialog box or with the _touchup PI have no effect in output generated by the PTC ALD engine.