About Arbortext Styler > Publishing XML Documents as RTF Files > Publishing Tables in RTF Files
Publishing Tables in RTF Files
Tables are published with the layout defined when they were created in Arbortext Editor.
Be aware of the following restrictions when publishing tables:
Table Styles, introduced in Word XP, are not supported.
Nested tables are not supported.
Tables inside a footnote body are not supported.
If auto-generation of RTF style names is enabled, or if a user-defined RTF style is attached to a table-cell element (such as entry in the axdocbook document type), table spanning is ignored. Spanning is not affected by child elements of a table-cell element.
Word does not apply prespace to tables, only to paragraphs. You may find that a table that has a prespace setting still runs into preceding content or tables when a RTF document is opened in Word. Refer to Prespace in tables in RTF output in Applying Prespace and Postspace to Elements for a method by which prespace can be applied to a table.
Refer to Publishing Table and Figure Captions in RTF Files for information on publishing table captions.