Help > Authoring > Equations > Customizing the Equation Editor > Mapping Keys to Equation Editor Functions
Mapping Keys to Equation Editor Functions
The Equation Editor allows you to perform almost all of the functions with the keyboard that you can with the menus and mouse. By mapping keys in the Equation Editor, you can create shortcuts for inserting symbols and performing functions. For example, you could map the integral symbol to the sequence CTRL+I.
The keyboard sequences are mapped to functions in a file named To change these mappings, you must change the :keymap section of the appropriate configuration file.
When the Equation Editor starts up, it looks first for a file called in your application data directory. The application data directory is the directory where your operating system stores user-specific data. This is usually C:\Document and Settings\user_name\Application Data\PTC\Arbortext\Editor.
If it cannot find that file, it uses configuration information (including keymappings) from the file in the lib subdirectory of Arbortext-path. The file contains system-wide defaults. Changes to affect only your Equation Editor sessions. Changes to affect the keymappings of anyone on the system who does not have their own file. Unless you are a system administrator, you are likely to be making your changes to the file in your home directory.
Note that changes made to the system-wide after you have established your own file will not affect you until you remove your file.