Help > Authoring > Equations > Customizing the Equation Editor > Keymapping Command Names
Keymapping Command Names
To determine the name of a command, find the command in the :menu section of the configuration file. The first “word” (a “word” is a string of text that does not contain any spaces, such as “ The_Equation_Menus”) is the text that appears on the menu. The second “word” is the command name. You will want to supply a unique string from one of these two “words” as the function information when you are mapping that command to a key.
For example, if you wished to open or close the Palette by typing CTRL+P, you would look this menu item up in the configuration file. This line reads:
open/close_palette palette 99 2
and looks like a unique and descriptive string (if you were editing the file later, you would have little difficulty guessing what CTRL +P did). It could probably even be safely abbreviated to open/close_p. Therefore, to map the key, you would enter the line:
CTRL+P cmd open/close_p
in the :keymap section of your configuration file.