Help > Authoring > Using Markup > Processing Instructions > User-Defined Tag Processing Instructions
User-Defined Tag Processing Instructions
There are two types of user-defined tag (UDT) processing instructions (PI) in Arbortext Editor. These processing instructions are visible only in the SGML source:
PIs that contain the definition of UDTs used in the document. These appear before the first document element. For example,
<?Pub UDT p para>
is a PI that defines the <p> UDT, which can be used instead of the <para> tag.
This also includes the following UDT PIs that Arbortext Editor creates automatically:
_bookmark UDT — Used for bookmarks and quickmarks.
_target_N UDT — Created when a hyperlink is created.
_nopagebreak and _nocolumnbreak— Created when the corresponding Touchup menu item is used. These are UDTs based on _touchup.
These PIs are not found by Find > Processing Instruction, but you can determine what user-defined tags are defined using the show usertags command.
PIs that follow a tag and indicate that the tag is actually a PI. UDTs of processing instructions result in different PIs than UDTs of DTD elements. The PIs that mark a tag as a UDT of a DTD element are not found by Find > Processing Instruction, but oid_name(oid) returns the UDT name if OID is a tag that is a UDT.