Administration > Language Support > Keyboard Issues when Authoring in Non-English Languages
Keyboard Issues when Authoring in Non-English Languages
You should use the keyboard that matches the language of your system's native environment. A French keyboard is supported in the native French environment, Russian in the Russian environment, and so forth. An English keyboard will work as well. Simply changing the keyboard specification at the operating system level will not effectively change the functioning of the keyboard.
For instance, if you are in a native Russian environment with a Russian keyboard and you change the keyboard specification at the operating system level to Greek, this will not enable you to begin typing Greek.
If you are using the keyboard for your language in your language's native environment, you type characters with single key strokes from the keyboard. If for some reason you have an English keyboard, you can enter the characters for your language using keyboard shortcuts. There are keyboard shortcuts for all of the ISO Latin 1 and Windows code page 1252 diacritics and most of the ISO Latin 2 and Windows code page 1250 diacritics. For other character sets, you can easily create keyboard shortcuts.