Administration > Environment Variables > APTSPLACCEPT — Specifying the Path Name of the Accepted Word Spelling List
APTSPLACCEPT — Specifying the Path Name of the Accepted Word Spelling List
Specifies the full path and file name of the aptspell.acp file containing the accepted word list used by the Arbortext Editor spelling checker.
Words can be added to the accepted word list by using the spell command or by manually editing the accepted word list file. By default, the file is stored in the following location:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\PTC\Arbortext\Editor
set APTSPLACCEPT=c:\mydir\my_accepted_words.txt
Beginning with release 6.0, this environment variable is deprecated. It is only used to migrate an existing aptspell.acp file to the new aptspell.xml file.