Administration > Stylesheets > Stylesheet Association Processing Instruction
Stylesheet Association Processing Instruction
A stylesheet association processing instruction is added to an XML or SGML document to link the document to one or more stylesheets. For example:
<?xml-stylesheet href="mystyle.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
A stylesheet association processing instruction is an element with pseudo-attributes defined with the following attlist declarations:
CDATA #REQUIRED — A URI to the stylesheet.
CDATA #REQUIRED — A MIME type for the stylesheet.
CDATA #IMPLIED — The name of the stylesheet.
CDATA #IMPLIED — The target medium for the given stylesheet.
(yes|no) — Indicates a primary or alternate stylesheet when more than one stylesheet association is added to a document. This declaration is automatically inserted by Arbortext Editor.
You can add stylesheet association processing instructions to your document by selecting Add Association in the Modify Stylesheet Selection dialog box. Arbortext Editor writes stylesheet association processing instructions in the following order:
1. A stylesheet association processing instruction with media set to print,pdf and alternate set to yes. The type can be text/x-styler, application/x-app-3f (for an PTC ALD template), text/xsl (for an XSL-FO stylesheet), or text/x-fosi.
2. A stylesheet association processing instruction with media set to editor and alternate set to yes. The type can be either text/x-styler or text/x-fosi.
3. A stylesheet association processing instruction with media set to htmlhelp and alternate set to yes. The type can be either text/x-styler or text/xsl.
4. A stylesheet association processing instruction with media set to web and alternate set to yes. The type can be either text/x-styler or text/xsl.
5. A stylesheet association processing instruction with media set to rtf and alternate set to yes. The type can be either text/x-styler or text/xsl.
6. A stylesheet association processing instruction with media set to epub and alternate set to yes. The type can be either text/x-styler or text/xsl.
7. A stylesheet association processing instruction with media set to screen (for HTML publishing and browser display). No alternate attribute is set because it defaults to no. The type can be either text/x-styler, text/xsl (for an XSL-HTML stylesheet) or text/x-fosi. Browsers ignore a stylesheet association processing instruction that references a FOSI.
Arbortext Editor automatically adds the appropriate combination of media, type, and alternate attributes to your document based on the choices you make in the Modify Stylesheet Selection dialog box. However, if you choose to add stylesheet association processing instructions outside of the Arbortext Editor user interface, you must omit the alternate attribute or set it to no if you want the stylesheet to be read by a browser. If alternate is set to yes, the media attribute must be omitted or set to either screen or all.
Arbortext Editor reads these processing instructions to locate a stylesheet to be used for Editor view, or for Print, PDF, HTML, HTML Help, Web, EPUB, or RTF publishing. The type and media settings determine which stylesheets apply.
A stylesheet association can specify a URL, file path, or file name. If a document references a stylesheet using a URL, that stylesheet can be found by both Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Publishing Engine. If a stylesheet association was specified using a path and the Arbortext PE server is performing the publishing, Arbortext Publishing Engine will look for a stylesheet of the same name. The path to the stylesheet is ignored and only the stylesheet name is used. If Arbortext Editor is using Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing when the user assigns a stylesheet association, the stylesheet will be specified using its file name only.
Because it is possible that processing instructions at the beginning of the file may interfere with other XML or SGML processors, you can use set stylesheetassociations to disable stylesheet association processing instructions.
You can set promptstylesheetassociations in Tools > Preferences > Advanced to display a warning that a stylesheet association in the document being published will be ignored.
Find > Processing Instruction does not locate stylesheet association processing instructions.
You can obtain Arbortext Publishing Engine configuration information from the Help > Publishing Engine Configuration menu command. This report lists all the stylesheets available on the server. Arbortext Editor can also compare its publishing configuration with the Arbortext Publishing Engine publishing configuration using the Tools > Administrative Tools > Compare Config with Publishing Engine menu item.