Customizer's Guide > Working with ActiveX Controls > Running Arbortext Editor in an ActiveX Control > The EditorControl.dll Control
The EditorControl.dll Control
The Arbortext Editor ActiveX control is contained in the EditorControl.dll file. The control has the following names when viewed with the Microsoft OLE/COM Object Viewer (Oleview.exe) application:
Arbortext.EditorControl — The ProgID for the control
Arbortext Editor Control — The name in the Object Classes/All Objects group
Arbortext Editor Control Type Library — The name in the Type Libraries group
IArbortextEditorControl — The name in the Interfaces group
Following is the Interface Definition Language (IDL) definition for the control’s COM interface:
interface IArbortextEditorControl : IDispatch{
[id(1), helpstring("Opens a new document after first closing the currently-displayed document (if any).")]
[in] BSTR documentPath,
[in,defaultvalue(0)] LONG documentFlags,
[in,defaultvalue(0)] LONG windowFlags,
[in,defaultvalue("")] BSTR xuiPath,
[out, retval] LONG* pWindowId
[id(2), helpstring("Displays an already-open document after first closing the currently-displayed document (if any).")]
[in] LONG documentId,
[in,defaultvalue(0)] LONG windowFlags,
[in,defaultvalue("")] BSTR xuiPath,
[out, retval] LONG* pWindowId
[id(3), helpstring("Closes the currently-displayed document and, by default, prompts to save changes.")]
HRESULT close([in,defaultvalue(0)] LONG flags);