Arbortext Command Language > Repository API > dobj_get_attrlist
dobj_get_attrlist (dobj, array)
Use this function to return metadata attribute values for the object with the ACL document object handle of dobj. This function scans the associative array named array, and for each index that matches the name of a native metadata attribute, fills that value in the array with the value for that attribute.
The indices used in array should have one of two formats:
The ACL abstraction of the attribute. ACL attribute names have the format IO_ATTR_NAME, where NAME is different for a specific attribute. The attributes that can be used with this function are listed in the ACL Attribute Name column of the Attributes names for developers section of your adapter documentation. This function can accept dobj attribute names but will not accept sess attribute names.
The repository's name for the attribute. If you supply an attribute name that does not have the IO_ATTR_NAME format, the function will pass the literal name through to the repository. Using this method, you can access attributes in the repository that are not abstracted in ACL.
If the function executes successfully, it returns a one (1). If either the dobj or array values are invalid, or the operation fails, the function returns a zero (0).
propvalue["IO_ATTR_IS_CONTAINER"] = "";
propvalue["IO_ATTR_LOCKED"] = "";
propvalue["IO_ATTR_USE_LATEST_REV"] = "";
ret = dobj_get_attrlist (dobj, "propvalue");
Related Topics
dobj_get_attr function
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