Arbortext Command Language > set Command Options > set gentextxreftrace
set gentextxreftrace
set gentextxreftrace= { #NONE | #ALL | [-] varname1 [, [-] varname2] [..., [-] varnamen]}
This command traces the listed varnameN cross-reference FOSI variables. A cross-reference FOSI variable is a variable created using fillval to a savetext:texid or using #xref. Use the special variable names #ALL or #NONE to turn tracing on or off (respectively) for all cross-reference variables. Multiple cross-reference variables may be specified by listing names separated by commas. Tracing may be turned off for a cross-reference variable by preceding the variable name (varnamen) with a minus sign.
The command does not control tracing for other FOSI variables. Use the gentexttrace option for this purpose.
The following command would trace all cross-reference FOSI variables in an instance.
set gentextxreftrace=#ALL
The following command would trace the cross-reference FOSI variables intro, parttwo, and comlist.
set gentextxreftrace=intro, parttwo, comlist
The following command would trace all cross-reference FOSI variables in an instance, except the variables intro, parttwo, and comlist.
set gentextxreftrace=#ALL, -intro, -parttwo, -comlist
The following command would turn off all cross-reference FOSI variable tracing.
set gentextxreftrace=#NONE
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set gentexttrace command
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