Arbortext Command Language > Functions by Alphabetical Listing > oid_type
oid_type (oid)
This function returns a number that identifies the type of the object specified by oid. The return value is one of the following integers:
-1 — OID is invalid
0 — object is an element
1 — object is a user-defined tag alias of a DTD tag
4 — object is an equation image
7 — object is a processing instruction (includes Arbortext Editor-supplied tags)
8 — object is a user-defined alias of a processing instruction or unknown element
9 — object is an SGML comment
10 — object is an IGNORE marked section
11 — object is a CDATA marked section
12 — object is an RCDATA marked section
30 — object is a change tracking markup tag
Related Topics
oid_unknown function
oid_invalid_markup function
tbl_oid_cell function