Configuring Arbortext Publishing Engine > Requesting Administrative Information > Requesting a Publishing Configuration Report > Publishing Management for Arbortext Editor Clients
Publishing Management for Arbortext Editor Clients
Arbortext Editor can report Arbortext Publishing Engine configuration information from its Help > About Arbortext Editor > PE Configuration menu command. The report can be used to determine duplicate stylesheet names on the server. If a stylesheet name is not unique on the server, Arbortext Publishing Engine uses the first one it finds.
Arbortext Editor can compare its publishing configuration with Arbortext Publishing Engine publishing configuration using its Tools > Compare Config with PE menu command. The Publishing Configuration Comparison report notes the differences between the publishing environment on the client and on the server. This report is helpful in troubleshooting client complaints about publishing processing.
If your applications are using a content pipeline for processing large documents and have memory consumption problems, refer to the doc__estimate_dfs function and set bigjobthreshold command option online help topics (Arbortext Editor or Arbortext Publishing Engine Interactive ) for information on improving content pipeline processing.