Adding Space
You can use Touchup processing instructions to add space to your documents.
A Hard (Unbreakable) Space Touchup processing instruction places a nonbreaking space between words. It is useful in names and dates, between first initial and last name, or between the month and day and the day and year. It prevents such strings from being separated by a line break. It is represented by the _hardspace icon.
To add a hard (unbreakable) space:
1. Place the cursor where you want the hard space to be.
2. Choose > > .
Alternatively, enter insert_tag _hardspace in the Arbortext Editor command line.
The Interword (Breakable) Space is useful after a period in an abbreviation, because the space is not needed if the period falls at the end of a line. It is represented by the _interwordspace icon.
To add an interword (breakable) space:
1. Place the cursor where you want the space to be.
2. Choose > > .
Alternatively, enter insert_tag _interword-space in the Arbortext Editor command line.
The End-of-Sentence Space Touchup processing instruction places a variable length space at the end of a sentence, forcing the next sentence to begin on a new line. It is represented by the _eos-space icon
To add space at the end of a sentence:
1. Place the cursor at the end of the sentence which is to end the line.
2. Enter insert_tag _eos-space in the Arbortext Editor command line.
_eos-space is not supported by the APP engine.
The Specified Horizontal Space Touchup processing instruction provides the specified amount of space at the cursor. It is represented by the _kern icon.
To add a specific amount of horizontal space:
1. Place the cursor where you want the horizontal space to be.
2. Choose > > . The Specified Horizontal Space dialog opens.
Alternatively, enter insert_tag _kern in the Arbortext Editor command line, then use CTRL+D to open the Specified Horizontal Space dialog
Specify the amount using abbreviated units of measurement, such as: inches (0.4in), points (3pt), picas (2pi), centimeters (0.5cm), millimeters (20mm), and em spaces (2em).
4. Click OK.
This processing instruction will output a single space character if you are publishing the document to RTF. This is a limitation of Microsoft Word.
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