Help > Authoring > Dialog Boxes > Edit Window > Miscellaneous Dialog Boxes > Edit Selection as SGML or XML Source
Edit Selection as SGML or XML Source
Choosing Edit > Edit Selection as XML source (or Edit > Edit Selection as SGML source) opens an Edit window with the current selection shown as ASCII text and markup. You can edit the text and use the File menu to Update Selection, which writes the changes back to the main document. Even if you have applied an alias map to the document, this Edit window only displays real names, not aliases. Also, you can only enter real names when editing in this view.
Using this option within a document that has change tracking turned on can result in unexpected behavior.
Edit Selection as XML Source and Edit Selection as SGML Source are available only when full menus are activated. To activate full menus, go to Tools > Preferences. Choose the Window category and turn on Full Menus.
The Edit Selection as XML Source and Edit Selection as SGML Source Edit windows have the following menu selections:
File menu contains the following items:
Update Selection — saves changes to the selection.
Print — prints all or a highlighted portion of the window contents.
Close — exits the Edit Selection as SGML Source Edit window. If changes were not saved, Arbortext Editor prompts you to save.
Edit menu and the shortcut menu contain the following items:
Undo — reverses the previous operation.
Redo — restores the document to its state before the last Undo.
Cut — deletes the highlighted portion of the document and stores it temporarily in the paste buffer (clipboard).
Copy — makes a copy of the highlighted portion of the document and stores it temporarily in the paste buffer (clipboard).
Paste — inserts the contents of a cut or copy operation into document at the cursor location.
Delete — removes the selected data without saving to the paste buffer (clipboard).
Find menu contains the following items:
Find/Replace — Opens the Find/Replace dialog box
Find Next — Repeats the last find operation from the current cursor location.
Find Selection — Searches forward from the current cursor location to the next match using the highlighted section in your document as the search string.
Replace — Replaces matched Find What text with the Replace With text from the Find/Replace dialog box. It then locates the next occurrence of the text string to replace. Replace is grayed if no text is selected or if the selection contains markup from a different find operation.
Replace All — Replaces all occurrences of the Find What text with the Replace With text from the Find/Replace dialog box. Replace All is grayed if no text is selected or if the selection contains markup from a different find operation.