Publishing a Document for EPUB
Arbortext Publishing Engine, or
Arbortext Styler, and Calibre 0.8.0 or later.
You can publish XML documents for use as eBook content in a mobile device. Documents will be published as styled XHTML files with features such as a table of contents, document navigation buttons, searchable index terms, and an interface localized to a chosen language.
The For EPUB option will be visible on the Publish menu, but will be unavailable until you install Calibre.
To publish a document for EPUB:
1. Create the document(s) you wish to publish for EPUB.
2. With your document open in Arbortext Editor, choose > > . The Publish for EPUB dialog box opens.
3. Specify the location to which you want to publish the document in Output.
If Queue Transaction is selected, Output is not available.
4. Select View EPUB if you want the document to display in the Calibre viewer when publishing is complete.
If you select the View EPUB option and your document file name includes an &, you will receive a message stating that Arbortext Editor cannot launch the viewer. Select Yes to publish with the viewer disabled, or No to cancel the publishing process.
5. Choose the stylesheet you want to use from the Stylesheet box. Click Browse to locate an existing stylesheet that does not appear in the list.
If you are
using Arbortext Publishing Engine, the list displays the stylesheets available from the
Arbortext Publishing Engine server. The notation
(pe) appears in the stylesheet name. Local stylesheets are ignored.
6. Choose the character encoding in which you want to publish your document from the Encoding list.
7. If you are publishing a DITA document that has an associated
DITAVAL File, choose that file in the
DITAVAL File list. Click
Browse to locate an existing DITAVAL file that does not appear in the list.
8. If your document has change tracking, you can compose the document in any of the change tracking states. By default, the change tracking view from the Edit window is selected, except when composing from a DITA map.
If you are composing a DITA map, Changes Applied is selected by default. When composing from a DITA Map, the Change Tracking view that's selected applies only to the topics referenced from the DITA maps. The DITA map itself, as well as other referenced maps, will always be composed with Changes Applied, regardless of the Change Tracking view selected (even if a map has change tracking markup).
The choices are:
◦ Changes with Highlighting — Shows all proposed changes, highlighted with revision marks.
◦ Changes Applied — Shows all proposed changes incorporated into the document, without revision marks.
◦ Original — Shows the original document without proposed changes incorporated into the document.
9. Choose whether to convert
intelligent graphics to a web-friendly graphic format during publishing by checking the
Convert Intelligent Graphics. Intelligent graphics are not converted by default.
10. Choose whether to Queue Transaction. If Queue Transaction is checked, the values in Output and View EPUB are cleared. You will be prompted for the output directory and whether to View EPUB when you retrieve the result from your list of Queued Transactions, available from the Tools menu.
If you entered values in
Output and
View EPUB, they will be displayed again if you clear the
Queue Transaction check box.
Queue Transaction behavior is controlled by a set of
Arbortext Publishing Engine preferences.
11. Choose whether to enter a Transaction Name. The transaction name will be displayed when you retrieve the result from your list of Queued Transactions, available from the Tools menu.
12. If you want to
apply profiling to your document, click
Set Profiles to access the
Set Profiles dialog box. Click
OK or
Cancel to exit the
Set Profiles dialog box. The
Set Profiles button is only available if
profiles have been configured for the selected document type.
13. If you want to create a publishing rule, click Create Rule to open Create New Publishing Rule, where you can create a new publishing rule or rule set.
14. Click OK to begin publishing.
Arbortext Styler supports three different methods of including CSS information in HTML output. Refer to
CSS files in HTML output for more information.
If you are
Using Arbortext Publishing Engine for Publishing Documents, Calibre must be installed on the local
Arbortext Editor client as well as the
Arbortext Publishing Engine server. If
View EPUB is checked when the published EPUB file is returned,
Arbortext Editor will display it in the Calibre viewer.
Arbortext’s EPUB output conforms to the EPUB Standard Version 2. Different e-reader applications have varying levels of support for this standard and you may see differences between output viewed in Calibre e-reader during publishing and your selected reader. Ensure that you have tested output in your various required readers to confirm the appearance is satisfactory. If there are unexpected anomalies, use the View EPUB option in the Publish for EPUB dialog box to confirm the appearance is correct in the Calibre e-reader. If it is incorrect there, contact Technical Support.