Help > DITA Authoring Overview > DITA Support User Interface > Resource Manager > Inclusion Tab
Inclusion Tab
The Inclusion tab enables you to insert XML inclusions into DITA topics and DITA maps. If you choose Insert > File Reference, a standalone, undocked version of the Resource Manager opens containing just the Inclusion tab.
The Inclusion tab contains the following options:
Look in — Determines the location of the content displayed in the Resource Manager browser.
Select a location from the drop-down list. This field always contains the location currently available in the browser. Double-clicking on a folder in the browser causes that folder to be displayed in the Look in field.
The list contains a Favorite LocationsThis is an image of a yellow star. choice. Selecting this choice moves the location displayed in the browser to the Favorite Locations node where there is a list of the favorite locations you have saved.
The list also contains a HistoryThis is an image of a green circle containing a white, backwards pointing arrow. choice. Selecting this choice moves the location displayed in the browser to the History node where there is a list of all the locations you have visited in the current session.
Menu button This is an image of a document with a down pointing arrow beside of it. — Displays a menu that contains the following options:
Open (suffixed with Document) — If you have a document selected in the browser, opens that document in a new window.
Selected XML, DITA, SGML, and HTML documents open in a new Arbortext Editor window. Other types of documents or graphics open in the associated application. For example, a graphic will open in your default graphics application.
Clear History — Clears the list of visited locations from the History node in the browser.
This choice is only available when the History node is selected.
Add to Favorites — Adds the selected location to the Favorite Locations list.
This choice is only available when a file system folder, content management system (CMS) folder, or similar location is selected in the browser.
Remove from Favorites — Removes the selected location from the Favorite Locations list.
This choice is only available when an item in the Favorite Locations list is selected.
Move Up — Moves an item in the Favorite Locations list up one level in the list.
This choice is only available when an item in the Favorite Locations list is selected.
Move Down — Moves an item in the Favorite Locations list down one level in the list.
This choice is only available when an item in the Favorite Locations list is selected.
Export Favorites — Opens the Save As dialog box where you can save the list of your current favorite locations in an XML file.
This choice is only available when the Favorite Locations node is selected in the browser. This option saves your favorites in an XML file that can then be imported as a list of favorites using the Import Favorites menu choice. Note that this XML file should not be modified, as it is just intended for saving a list of favorites.
Import Favorites — Opens the Open dialog box where you can select an XML file containing an exported Resource Manager favorites list.
This choice is only available when the Favorite Locations node is selected in the browser. This option enables you to import as a list of favorites that were exported using the Export Favorites menu choice.
After you select a file in the Open dialog box and click Open, another dialog box opens asking whether to Merge with or replace current favorites list? Click Merge to have locations in the imported list that are not already in your current list added to your favorites list. Click Replace to have your current favorites list completely replaced by the imported list.
Check Out and Edit — Opens the selected CMS object in Arbortext Editor for editing.
If the object is not checked out, the Resource Manager will check out (lock) the object for you. You have the option to check out any dependant objects in the same operation. This menu choice is only available for PTC Server connection objects.
Check Out — Checks out (locks) the selected unlocked CMS object.
You have the option to check out any dependant objects in the same operation. This menu choice is only available for PTC Server connection objects.
Undo Check Out — Cancels the check out of a CMS object and discards any changes made to that checked out version.
After cancelling the check out of an object, if the document object is open in the Arbortext Editor, it will change to read-only. This menu choice is only available for PTC Server connection objects.
Properties — Displays the Object Properties dialog box containing the properties of the selected object.
This menu choice is only available for PTC Server connection objects.
Search CMS — Displays the Search dialog box.
This menu choice is only available for PTC Server connection objects. The Search dialog box allows you to enter a query to find all CMS objects matching some search criteria. Search results appear in the CMS Search Results node of the Resource Manager browser.
Clear CMS Search Results — Clears any CMS objects that have been added to the CMS Search Results node of the Resource Manager browser.
This menu choice is only available for supported CMS adapters. This option does not remove those objects from the CMS, just from the Resource Manager browser.
Previous Folder button This is an image of a green circle containing a white, backwards pointing arrow. — Moves the location displayed in the browser to the last folder that was displayed in the browser.
The Resource Manager maintains a history of the folders you have viewed in the current session, so you can use this button to move the browser view back through that history. If you have viewed only one folder in the current session, this button is disabled.
Up One Level button This is an image of a folder with a green arrow superimposed pointing up. — Moves the location displayed in the browser up one level in the current hierarchy.
If you are at the top of the hierarchy or the History node is selected, this button is disabled.
Current Document Folder button This is an image of an open folder with a document sticking out and a green arrow superimposed pointing to the side. — Moves the location displayed in the browser to the folder that contains the current document.
Refresh button This is an image of a white document with two green arrows superimposed pointing in a circle. — Updates the browser view to reflect any changes made to the objects displayed in the browser.
Use CMS Object Browser button This is an image of a file cabinet. — Invokes the Browser for the PTC Server connection or a repository adapter.
This button is only available when you are connected to a content management system (CMS) through the PTC Server connection or a repository adapter.
Search CMS button This is an image of a pair of binoculars over a file cabinet. — Invokes the Search dialog box.
This button is only available for PTC Server connection objects. The Search dialog box enables you to enter a query to find all CMS objects matching some search criteria. Search results appear in the CMS Search Results part of the Resource Manager browser.
Filter — Enables you to filter the list of files and document elements displayed in the browser.
When you enter text in this option, the list of files and document elements displayed in the browser is filtered to just show the files or elements for which the labels contain the text you have entered. In this case, the Filter option and the browser display a light yellow background color to indicate that the contents of the browser are being filtered.
For example, if you enter “test”, then just objects with labels containing “Test”, “testing”, “test cases”, and so forth are displayed in the browser. If you have expanded a document to show the elements inside the document, then the displayed elements are also filtered. In this case, the document remains displayed in the browser even if its label does not contain the filter text.
Filtering is case insensitive. Folders and similar objects are not filtered. If you enter multiple terms in the Filter option, the matching labels must contain all of those terms.
Resource Manager browser — Provides a file system or content management system (CMS) hierarchy.
The Resource Manager browser enables you to locate content in either a file system or a CMS to insert into your document. The browser provides a hierarchical view of the contents of the file system or CMS.
The browser contains a Favorite LocationsThis is an image of a yellow star. node that contains the list of the favorites locations you have saved. Double-clicking on one of the favorites opens that location in the browser. If a favorite location is not currently available, for example if the location has been deleted or is a CMS folder and you are not logged onto the CMS, then the folder has special icon This is an image of a folder with a red rectangle containing a white exclamation point on top. to indicate that status.
The browser also contains a HistoryThis is an image of a green circle containing a white, backwards pointing arrow. node that contains a list of all the locations you have visited in the current session. Double-clicking on one of the locations opens that location in the browser.
Click on the plus sign ( + ) in the hierarchy to open a level in the hierarchy. Click on the minus sign ( – ) to close a level. Click on an object in the hierarchy to select it. Double-click on a folder to move the browser focus to that folder.
You can insert an XML inclusion to documents displayed in the browser into your document in the following ways:
Select a document and click the Insert button
Double-click on a document
Use drag and drop
Type — Determines the type of document displayed in the Resource Manager browser.
Use this drop-down list to filter the documents displayed in the browser by the type of document. You can choose the following types of documents:
Arbortext Files — Only display XML or SGML documents.
Any — Display all types of documents.
Insert — Inserts an XML inclusion to the selected document into the document you are editing.
If the current context in your document is not a valid insertion point, an error is displayed.