Help > DITA Authoring Overview > DITA Support User Interface > Resource Manager > Resource Manager Shortcut Menu
Resource Manager Shortcut Menu
You invoke the Resource Manager shortcut menu by right-clicking inside of the Resource Manager browser. The following options are available on the menu:
Open (suffixed with Document) — If you have a document selected in the browser, opens that document in a new window.
Selected XML, DITA, SGML, and HTML documents open in a new Arbortext Editor window. Other types of documents or graphics open in the associated application. For example, a graphic will open in your default graphics application.
Clear History — Clears the list of visited locations from the History node in the browser.
This choice is only available when the History node is selected.
Add to Favorites — Adds the selected location to the Favorite Locations list.
This choice is only available when a file system folder, content management system (CMS) folder, or similar location is selected in the browser.
Remove from Favorites — Removes the selected location from the Favorite Locations list.
This choice is only available when an item in the Favorite Locations list is selected.
Move Up — Moves an item in the Favorite Locations list up one level in the list.
This choice is only available when an item in the Favorite Locations list is selected.
Move Down — Moves an item in the Favorite Locations list down one level in the list.
This choice is only available when an item in the Favorite Locations list is selected.
Export Favorites — Opens the Save As dialog box where you can save the list of your current favorite locations in an XML file.
This choice is only available when the Favorite Locations node is selected in the browser. This option saves your favorites in an XML file that can then be imported as a list of favorites using the Import Favorites menu choice. Note that this XML file should not be modified, as it is just intended for saving a list of favorites.
Import Favorites — Opens the Open dialog box where you can select an XML file containing an exported Resource Manager favorites list.
This choice is only available when the Favorite Locations node is selected in the browser. This option enables you to import as a list of favorites that were exported using the Export Favorites menu choice.
After you select a file in the Open dialog box and click Open, another dialog box opens asking whether to Merge with or replace current favorites list? Click Merge to have locations in the imported list that are not already in your current list added to your favorites list. Click Replace to have your current favorites list completely replaced by the imported list.
Check Out and Edit — Opens the selected CMS object in Arbortext Editor for editing.
If the object is not checked out, the Resource Manager will check out (lock) the object for you. You have the option to check out any dependant objects in the same operation. This menu choice is only available for PTC Server connection objects.
Check Out — Checks out (locks) the selected unlocked CMS object.
You have the option to check out any dependant objects in the same operation. This menu choice is only available for PTC Server connection objects.
Undo Check Out — Cancels the check out of a CMS object and discards any changes made to that checked out version.
After cancelling the check out of an object, if the document object is open in the Arbortext Editor, it will change to read-only. This menu choice is only available for PTC Server connection objects.
Properties — Displays the Object Properties dialog box containing the properties of the selected object.
This menu choice is only available for PTC Server connection objects.
Search CMS — Displays the Search dialog box.
This menu choice is only available for PTC Server connection objects. The Search dialog box allows you to enter a query to find all CMS objects matching some search criteria. Search results appear in the CMS Search Results part of the Resource Manager browser.
Clear CMS Search Results — Clears any CMS objects that have been added to the CMS Search Results part of the Resource Manager browser.
This menu choice is only available for supported CMS adapters. This option does not remove those objects from the CMS, just from the Resource Manager browser.
Insert Highlight Link — Opens the Insert Highlight Link dialog box.
This menu choice is only available in the Link/Xref tab when you are linking to an intelligent graphic. If you use the menu in the version of the Link/Xref tab for modifying a link, this menu choice is named Modify Highlight Link. If you use this menu in the Add Link dialog box, this menu choice is named Add Highlight Link.
Insert Animation Link — Opens the Insert Animation Link dialog box.
This menu choice is only available in the Link/Xref tab when you are linking to an intelligent graphic. If you use the menu in the version of the Link/Xref tab for modifying a link, this menu choice is named Modify Animation Link. If you use this menu in the Add Link dialog box, this menu choice is named Add Animation Link.
Insert View Link — Opens the Insert View Link dialog box.
This menu choice is only available in the Link/Xref tab when you are linking to an intelligent graphic. If you use the menu in the version of the Link/Xref tab for modifying a link, this menu choice is named Modify View Link. If you use this menu in the Add Link dialog box, this menu choice is named Add View Link.
Synchronize Location Across Tabs — Determines whether the first location you browse to in the Resource Manager browser is maintained when you switch to a different tab or open another Resource Manager dialog box. This choice is only available when the Resource Manager has multiple tabs.
The setting of the ditasynctabs advanced preference determines whether this feature is on or off by default.