Help > Authoring > Fundamental Tasks > Managing Documents > File Extensions
File Extensions
File Extensions Used by Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Publishing Engine
.3ad: APP system configuration file
.3d: APP document
.3f: APP template file
.3sppdf: APP PDF configuration file (old-format file type, no longer supported by PTC)
.acb: Compiled ACL code
.acl: Arbortext Command Language file
.alias: Alias names for a document type’s tags and attributes
.amo: internal compiled translations file
.appcf: APP PDF and PostScript configuration file
.cpacf: Arbortext Change Page for Defense configuration file
.ccf: Composer configuration file
.cf: generic configuration file
.dcf: Document type configuration file
.dmf: Data merge file
.exc: hyphenation exceptions file
.fos: FOSI stylesheet
.genfos: Styler stylesheet compiled into a FOSI
.iso: IsoDraw file
.lcf: layout configuration file
.lex, .clx, .ths: Proximity spelling checking, dictionary, and thesaurus files
.map: Keystroke mappings
.mcf: Arbortext macro file
.mod: DTD module
.pat: Hyphenation pattern rules file
.pcf: Profile configuration file
.prcf: Publishing rule configuration file
.pvz: ProductView file
.sch: Schematron file
.style: Arbortext Styler stylesheet
.tmx: Macro formatting file
.wcf: Preferences file
.xyz: Arbortext Import project file for transformations and their definitions
Industry Standard File Extensions Used by Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Publishing Engine
.afm, .pfa, .pfb, .ttf, .tfm: Font files
.chm: HTML Help
.dita: DITA document
.ditamap: DITA map
.dtd: document type definition
.dvi: Device independent file for print or preview
.ent: Entity
.sgm: SGML (standard generalized markup language) document
.tex: formatting file
.xlf: XLIFF files used for localization
.xml: XML (extensible markup language) document
.xsd: XML schema definition
.xsl, .xslt, .xsl_fo: extensible stylesheet language files