Help > Printing and Publishing > Setting Up for Print and Publishing > Choosing a Print Engine Setting for Publishing Using the Arbortext PE server
Choosing a Print Engine Setting for Publishing Using the Arbortext PE server
The list below describes some instances in which you may wish to set a specific print engine to publish your document, when Arbortext Editor is functioning as a client of the Arbortext PE server. Each one describes the settings you should make to use the required print engine for print preview, print, or publish to PDF actions in Arbortext Editor.
Stylesheets that will support publishing using the Arbortext PE server must be stored on the server. Changes to local stylesheets on the client will have no effect on the publishing process. Contact your server administrator to request stylesheet changes of the type listed here.
It should be noted here that Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher (APP) is always installed with Arbortext Publishing Engine.
Use Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher (APP) for publishing with new stylesheets, and APP, FOSI, or XSL-FO for publishing with existing stylesheets depending on their stylesheet setting - this is the default behavior for preview/publishing of a document, no explicit settings are required.
Use APP for publishing with both new and existing stylesheets - set the print engine option in the Print/PDF tab of the Stylesheet Properties dialog box.
Use all print engines to test a single stylesheet, regardless of current stylesheet setting - use the Arbortext Editor option set printengineoverride=app, set printengineoverride=fosi, or set printengineoverride=xslfo in the client before the publishing action.
To subsequently undo the print engine override setting, use the command set printengineoverride=no.
The FOSI and XSL-FO print engines are on sustained support and do not receive enhancements or maintenance fixes. APP is the recommended engine for print/PDF output.
Effects of Print Engine Selection on Print Preview Actions
If you wish to preview print output, take the following steps:
1. In Arbortext Editor, select the File > Print Preview menu option. The Preview dialog box is launched (see Preview Dialog Box for information)
2. In the Stylesheet field, select the stylesheet that will be used to support the preview action.
3. Note that the Print Engine field displays the print engine that is currently effective for your Arbortext environment.
4. If the effective print engine for the Arbortext Editor environment is APP, the document is published via APP on the server and is previewed in the APP Preview window (see APP Preview Window).
5. If the effective print engine for the Arbortext Editor environment is FOSI or XSL-FO, the appropriate publishing action is carried out on the server and the document is displayed in the Pubview window on the client.
Effects of Print Engine Selection on Print Actions
If you wish to print your document, take the following steps:
1. In Arbortext Editor, select the File > Print menu option. The Print dialog box is launched (see Print Dialog Box for information).
2. In the Stylesheet field, select the stylesheet that will be used to support the print action.
3. Note that the Print Engine field displays the print engine that is currently effective for your Arbortext environment.
4. The appropriate publishing action is carried out on the server and the result is sent to the nominated printer on the client.
Effects of Print Engine Selection on Publish PDF Actions
If you wish to publish a PDF of your document, take the following steps:
1. In Arbortext Editor, select the File > Publish > PDF File menu option. The Publish to PDF File dialog box is launched (see Publish to PDF File Dialog Box for information)
2. In the Stylesheet field, select the stylesheet that will be used to support the publish action.
3. Note that the Print Engine field displays the print engine that is currently effective for your Arbortext environment.
4. If the effective print engine for the Arbortext Editor environment is APP, the document is published to PDF via the APP print engine.
If the effective print engine for the Arbortext Editor environment is FOSI or XSL-FO, the appropriate publishing action is carried out on the server to generate the PDF, which is then returned to the client.
5. If you checked the View PDF File option in the Publish to PDF File dialog box, the PDF is opened in Acrobat.