Arbortext Command Language > Repository API > dobj_create
dobj_create (sesshdl , name, loc, opts, doc[, ver[, objtype[, ud]]])
Creates an empty document object in the repository. The dobj_close function must be called to close the document object after it has been processed.
The sesshdl and name parameters specify the ACL session handle and name the repository should use for the new object (respectively).
The loc parameter contains an adapter-specific pointer to the new object's parent object.
The opts parameter is a bitmask that sets any optional data for the new object. The bits in the opts parameter are:
0x001 = object is locked
0x002 = unused
0x004 = object is a folder
0x008 = object is container (document object with children)
0x010 = object consists of SGML content
0x020 = object consists of XML content
0x040 = reserved bit—do not use
0x080 = object consists of HTML content
0x100 = object consists of text content
The doc parameter contains the ACL document handle for the top-level document object.
The optional ver parameter specifies the version of the new document object.
The objtype parameter sets the adapter-specific object type for the new document object. These object types are defined in the documentation for your adapter.
The ud parameter can be used to pass user defined information to a callback; strings must match the adapter encoding. Refer to Repository API Callback functions for more information on using callbacks with the Repository API functions.
If the operation fails, the function sets $main::ioerr and returns a zero (0). If the operation is successful, the function returns the ACL document object handle for the new document object.
Related Topics
Repository API callback functions