Automated Publishing with Arbortext Layout Developer > PTC Arbortext Layout Developer Objects in PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine
PTC Arbortext Layout Developer Objects in PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine
The enterprise Object
When PTC ALD is started under PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine (PE) using an activation file, PTC ALD will automatically create an enterprise object. The object provides information about the activation file and about the job being processed, and methods to generate log messages.
A template developer can use these if required, but it is recommended that you do not change any of the properties or methods.
The enterprise object provides these properties:
Information about the activation file:
enterprise.activation.input[] — an array of the input files, each element representing the input files
Includes an exists boolean property
enterprise.activation.output[] — an array of the output files, each element representing the output files
enterprise.activation.scripts[] — an array of the scripts, including the start and end Date() information
Information about the status of the current job, including start and end Date() information
The return code provided back to PE on the success or failure of the job
The message to return to PE
The current log level
The enterprise object provides these methods:
Write a log message
This method takes two parameters — the log level and the message
Write an Info level message
This method takes one parameter — the message
End the PTC ALD session
This message takes a code argument