Macro Language Reference > PIs > Tables > <?tbcindentend>
The <?tbcindentstart> and <?tbcindentend> commands set the distance at which text should be indented from the edges of the table cell content area. Their expected use is to indent all lines in a cell by the same amount, with any <?tbcindent> command present adding an additional indent to the first line. These indents are sensitive to the <?tbdir> / <?tbprogression> instruction. If <?tbdir=1>, the indent from <?tbcindentend> is applied to the left of the cell.
By default, <?tbcindentend> is measured from the inside of the cell's rules after taking into account any cell padding. Set <?tbcabsend=1> to measure it from the cell’s margin.
Give the command a negative value to achieve an outdent effect.
<?tbcindentend val:um>
The size of the indent, plus unit of measurement
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