Macro Language Reference > PIs > Text > <?abort>
This command will stop PTC ALD formatting from the point at which it is placed in the main formatting stream. The command is most commonly used in conjunction with a condition.
Example 430. Abort formatting via a condition in a tag
This example uses the <?abort> command within a condition, built into a tag to test the value of the variable ^test. This will jump to the list label depending on the value of ^test and either output an error message to the format log and abort the format, or output a valid message and continue the format.
<?:validate_0><?show +"tfmtlog"Error -- check failed
in tag -- $^test$10#><?abort><?->
<?:validate_1><?show +"tfmtlog" Valid -- check true
in tag -- $^test$10#><?->
<?blockabsleft num:>
Additional Information
Formatting can also be stopped by pressing both shift keys simultaneously Shift + Shift. This double-shift is handled at a very low level in PTC ALD . Users cannot activate, deactivate or control it since PTC ALD sets internal variables to stop the formatting/drawing. These variables only get reset when the idle loop is reached.
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