Macro Language Reference > PIs > Block > <?blockheadc>
This command is used to indicate the beginning and end of the block column headers, which cause text to be repeated at the top of each individual column/cell.
Multiple levels of column header are permitted, by using several <?blockheadc> commands and specifying a level from 1-5 for each. This lets you have up to 5 headers running concurrently. When the block starts a new cell, all of the relevant column headers will be inserted in order, from 1 to 5.
In addition, you can change headers midway through the block. When used in conjunction with levels, you will override the specified level and all subsequent levels will be cleared. Thus you could have a main header on level 1, and sub-headers on level 2 that change for each section of the block. If a change of header occurs whilst inserting existing headers, then the new header(s) will be used and the old ones ignored.
You can specify which columns include the header by using flags.
You can also remove existing headers, without defining new ones, midway through the block. This can be done using num=-1, with the level either specified as normal or defined as level=-1 to clear all levels.
Be careful to include the <?tbheadc=0> command to terminate the header.
<?blockheadc num:n level:n? flags:i?>
Remove headers from this point (specify the level(s) to which this should apply if required)
Indicate that header will stop at the end of the current paragraph. (Headers must be a complete number of paragraphs).
Mark the start of the header
Mark the start of the header in the normal way, but skip the header para(s) when first encountered in the text.
When using <?blockheadc=2> not only is the header skipped, but any changes to show string counters made during the header are also skipped. Using <?blocknoskipshow=1> will still cause the header to be skipped, but counter changes will run through into the main body of the block.
Level of header
The column that will include the header:
First column
Middle column
Last column
If f, l or m are not specified, PTC ALD will default to including the header on all columns.
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