Macro Language Reference > Macros > Keyboard > tkl
Loads keyboard layout from a file. This is useful if you have assigned macros to keyboard keystrokes using the special macro *, and have saved the new keyboard layout to a file via the tks macro.
tkl clear first:n? filename:s?
[no parameter]
Invoke the Load Key Definition File(s) dialog box.
clear first
Add to current definitions: specifies that the key assignments from the file should be added to any key assignments already in use. Any key assignments from the file being loaded that clash with current key assignments will cause the current ones to be overwritten.
Replace current definitions: specifies that all current key assignments should be discarded before reading the file.
Add non-clashing to current definitions: only load those key assignments that do not currently have a definition
The name of the file from which to load key assignments. If the filename parameter contains wildcard characters then a list of matching files will appear in a menu for you to make a choice. You should normally save key assignments with a .3k file extension.
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