Release Notes > > Updates in This Release > Debugger Enhancements in Arbortext Layout Developer > Minor Debugger Enhancements
Minor Debugger Enhancements
Create New Tag When Viewing Properties
When viewing the properties of objects in the debugger, the user can see whether that property is a tag object in the document. Normally this is shown by the property type (for example, a frame’s text property is an fStream object) and often those properties also include a magnifier icon to allow the user to open that tag in the debugger. For this release, we have added the ability to change the tag the property points to by double clicking on the object type. Doing this brings up a combo box drop-down which lists the tags (of the appropriate type) which can be applied:
Included in the list is a ‘NEW’ option to allow the user to create a new tag which is enabled with the following dialog:
Not only does this dialog allow a new tag to be created, but it also associates that new tag with the object property being edited.
JQuery Update
For the Version release of the debugger for Arbortext Layout Developer, we have updated the jQuery library used to avoid any potential security risks.