Release Notes > > Updates in This Release > JavaScript Toolbars > Application Properties and Objects
Application Properties and Objects
The fApplication object has been updated in to provide two new properties for toolbars:
fApplication.toolbars provides a list of all toolbars known by Layout Developer. Each element in this array is an fToolbar object (more on this later).
fApplication.activeToolbars is slightly different from fApplication.toolbars in that it provide a list of only those toolbars which are currently visible
So, to do something with the list of all the active toolbars, use something like this:
var tools = application.activeToolbars;
for (var t = 0; t < tools.length; t++) {
The fApplication object also provides some methods to manage toolbars. The fToolbar object will be described in a separate section.
fApplication.getToolbar() will return the named fToolbar object so that it can be inspected or changed
fApplication.createToolbar() will create a new fToolbar object and make it active. The method takes name, location and display arguments.
fApplication.deleteToolbar() will delete the toolbar from those available to Layout Developer/Layout Editor
fApplication.clearActiveToolbars() will remove all toolbars from display
fApplication.addActiveToolbar() will add the specified toolbar to the list of active toolbars
fApplication.removeActiveToolbar() will remove a specified toolbar from display
fApplication.refreshToolbars() will tell Layout Developer/Layout Editor to refresh the visible toolbars once changes have been made
fApplication.suspendToolbarRefresh() is a method which tells Layout Developer/Layout Editor not to refresh/redraw the toolbars while you are working on them so as to reduce any flicker which may occur. This method takes a boolean argument to suspend or un-suspend the refresh.
So, to add a toolbar to the active ones, use something like this:
var bm = application.getToolbar("big_main");

bm.display = fToolbar.DISPLAY_ICONS;
bm.location = fToolbar.LOCATION_TOP;

And to remove it again, use something like this:
var bm = application.getToolbar("big_main");
In order to save and load toolbars, fApplication also has these methods:
fApplication.saveToolbars() will save the state of the currently active toolbars — this does not save which toolbars are active, the user must save their preferences to make these stay active next time ALD starts
fApplication.loadToolbars() will load toolbars from the specified file path. If a file path isn’t provided, the default preferences file will be used.
The fApplication object provides methods to create and manage the toolbar actions (see later section):
fApplication.getToolbarAction() will return the fToolbarAction object named so that it can be used
fApplication.createToolbarAction() will create a new fToolbarAction object