Macro Language Reference > PIs > Text > <?tfqs>
One of three PIs used to set a font from a font quicktable: <?tfqt> refers to the font quicktable in which to look, <?tfqn> refers to the font family number and <?tfqs> refers to the font style within that family.
From release 10, PTC ALD automatically creates a default QuickFont table, so that documents that want to use the QuickFont feature are no longer required to provide their own. This table will be identical to one generated by <?tqfautogen>, although without any style aliases such as “italic” or “bold.” If PTC ALD encounters a <?tfqs> command before a QuickFont table provided by the document has been activated using <?tfqt>, the automatically generated QuickFont table will be used.
To select styles from this default table using <?tfqs>, the numbers given in the table below must be added for the desired combination of style attributes, with obviously nonsensical combinations remaining unused:
Example 520. Set the font style when using font quicktables
The example below shows the contents of a body style tag, with the font family number set to 1 and the font style number set to 0 :
The next example below shows a reference tag called bold. This is an example of an integer command, as it adds 1 on to the current font style number. In this case this refers to the bold style in the quicktable control stream.
<?tfqs style_number:n>
[no parameter]
Invoke the Font - quick style dialog box.
The font style number: a number between 0-15.
The following notation is valid:
Sets the style flags to an absolute bitmask.
Bitmask forces flagged style(s) to be active.
Bitmask forces flagged style(s) to be active.
Bitmask toggles flagged style(s).
Additional Information
Fonts do not contain information about whether they are plain, bold, italic etc. The font quicktables feature of PTC ALD has been developed to increase flexibility and control over the selection and implementation of fonts. Font quicktables enable the creation and use of multiple control streams containing user defined font style mapping tables.
There is also a default quicktable built in to PTC ALD , which provides bold and italic styles for Times (font 1), and Arial (font 2). This negates the need to use the <?tfqt> command, leaving you to simply specify the <?tfqn> and <?tfqs> commands.
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