Macro Language Reference > PIs > Tables > <?tbw>
The <?tbw> command is used to specify a total width for a table, either as a single value or as a combination of values.
If you do not enter a width for the table, PTC ALD will work it out by calculating and totalling the columns, gutters and rules within it. This may give unpredictable results and hence it is advisable to specify a width using the <?tbw> command.
This command can also be specified using <?tbwidth>.
<?tbw '+' value:n ('+' value:n )*>
The initial "+" character is optional and allows the table width components to be specified in separate <?tbw> commands rather than together in one.
Fixed width: change the width of the table to make it fit an exact measurement, e.g. <?tbw=120mm>. Defaults to mm if no units are specified with the measurement.
Percentage of the current measure (taking into account table margins). Note that a value of 100% should be entered to specify a fit to measure setting, not 0 as with Version 1 tables.
Include table rules and fixed table gutters when calculating the width of the table. e.g. <?tbw=100mm + #> allocates 100mm for the columns in the table, then adds the table rules and fixed table gutters to this width.
Additional Information
Electing to wrap cell contents when measuring affects the overall width of the table and improves chances of fitting the table to the measure.