Macro Language Reference > PIs > Tables > <?tbcolhmode>
<?tbcolhmode> allows you to set a default value for <?tbchmode> within a column. See <?tbchmode> for details of the value of code, and <?tbcolw> for details of how column commands in general work.
<?tbcolhmode code:n>
Enter a value for table column hash width mode.
Additional Information
Parameter values can be prefixed with two optional characters to add an extra layer of specification to each setting:
+: if specifying columns at the top of the table, + followed by another parameter adds further details for the current column, rather than moving on to specify the next column in sequence.
@: used if pre-specifying the column settings at the top of the table. It specifies that this column is the one whose properties should be repeated if required, for any columns whose settings have not been actually specified.
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