Macro Language Reference > PIs > Tables > <?tbcolgut>
Specifies the width of a column gutter as a fixed width, a relative width or a combination of both.
Example 405. Set a table column gutter to 10mm
<?tbcolgut @:? +:? value:n ( +:? value:n )*>
The "@" character is optional and only has relevance when pre-specifying column gutters at the top of the table. It specifies that this column is the one whose properties should be repeated if required, for any columns whose gutter has not been actually specified.
The initial "+" character is optional and allows the column gutters to be specified in separate <?tbcolgut> commands rather than together in one with multiple values.
Fixed width: change the width of the table to make it fit an exact measurement, e.g. <?tbcolgut=120mm>. Defaults to mm if no units are specified with the measurement.
A relative width – for example three <?tbcolgut> commands <?tbcolgut=1*>, <?tbcolgut=1*>, <?tbcolgut=2*> would create three gutters. The first two would take a quarter of the available space each, and the third gutter would occupy half the available space.
Additional Information
When creating a new table, no column gutter is permitted after the right hand column as a default. To apply a gutter here use the <?tbgutr> command.
The <?tbskipegut> command can override this, using a value of 1 for new tables and 0 for old tables. Note that a gutter will only appear after the right hand column if the gutter was specified explicitly (i.e. not implied by apply a repeat to existing <?tbcolgut> specifications), even if <?tbskipegut> is in place.