Macro Language Reference > PIs > Maths > <?tptxhy>
Instructs PTC ALD to split an equation: this overrides the default setting where PTC ALD will carry a whole equation to the next line if it is too big to fit on the current line. Splitting is controlled by a combination of penalties (see <?tptxpenb>, <?tptxpend>, <?tptxpene>, <?tptxpenh> and <?tptxpenr>) and the stretch/shrink limits of the line in question. By default, PTC ALD will only split equations within the stretch/shrink limits: if this is not possible but you would like to split the line anyway, use the <?tptxhyx> command to activate extended split mode.
This command will not function unless the general allow splits option has been activated via <?tptxsplit>.
<?tptxhy on_off:o?>
[no parameter]
Invoke the Maths - hyphenation (inline only) dialog box.
Do not allow the splitting of equations.
Allow the splitting of equations.
Additional Information
Inline splitting of an equation will only be carried out under certain conditions:
as long as the Maths is self contained and is not broken by other normal text
only at the top level, therefore, anything within { } will not be split, neither will fractions.
only within the stretch/shrink limits of the line