Macro Language Reference > PIs > Block > <?blockcolwidth>
This command permits you to specify the widths of the columns in a block. A block’s columns can be given the same measurement by using a single value with this command, or can be set to have different measurements across a row via a combination of value(s)
<?blockcolwidth 'm' '@' '+' value:n ('+' value:n )*>
(optional) Lets you specify the widths of multiple columns with the single PI. If specified then each component value of the width applies to a new column. Alternatively if you use a ; before a new value then this also means that it applies to the next column.
(optional) Used when pre-specifying column widths at the top of the block. It specifies that this column is the one whose properties should be repeated if required, for any columns whose width has not been actually specified.
e.g. <?tbcolw=50mm><?tbcolw=@1*> specifies that the first column should be 50mm wide and that the rest of the space should be divided equally between the other columns.
(optional) Ensures that multiple <?blockcolwidth> commands can be specified instead of a single one with multiple values. It also indicates the presence of further details for the current column when specifying columns at the top of the block, rather than moving on to specify the next column in sequence.
Fixed width: will default to mm if no unit is specified
Relative width
Percentage of the sum of all the widths of the columns within the block
This is not quite the same as a percentage of the block width, as block rules and gutters are not included.
Column width will be measured according to the widest element within that block
This can be used in combination with the other width types specified above.
A column's width will only be adjusted for wide cells that span over this column if it includes a measured width.
Blocks flow content from one column to the next and so they cannot be prescanned and can’t have column widths that are measured.
Prefix a new value with a ; character to indicate that the width applies to the next column.