Macro Language Reference > Macros > Debug > trace
Allows you to process scripts line-by-line, changing commands as necessary as part of the script debug process. Although it should rarely be necessary to trace the whole of a script, problem areas can be enclosed within a <trace 1>...<trace 0> sequence and traced until you find the source of the problem.
trace option:n?
[no parameter]
Invoke the Macro Tracer dialog box to display the current macro; click the Simple button to reduce the number of options shown in the dialog box.
Deactivate trace
Activate trace
Additional Information
Script trace avoidance syntax
When using the trace 1 script tracing macro, all script calls are run through the tracing system - this includes dialog [[scripts]] syntax. By adding an exclamation mark as the first character after the opening [[ of a script line, or the opening [ of an update alias code, the script is run without being traced, for example:
update (^21020)
[!5] apply 5 [[! boxit "You can't trace me!" ]]