Macro Language Reference > PIs > Block > <?blockindent>
This command specifies the amount by which the first line of text in a block should be indented.
If the first item within the block is another block, the indent will not have any effect.
Example 354. Examples of indents set for a block
The examples below use the <?blockindent>, <?blockindenttab>, <?blockindenttabb2> and <?blockcellpadl> commands to demonstrate how to set indents for a block. Note that rules have been defined separately to provide clarification:
Basic indent:
Basic outdent:
Bulleted list:
Numbered list:
<?blockindent val:um>
The size of the indent, plus unit of measurement.
You may also define an outdent by giving this field a negative value. If you also wish to offset all the content of the block, specify a <?blockcellpadl> command of the same value, but positive, to achieve this effect.
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