PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Development > Development > Search REST Endpoint with Model and SN
Search REST Endpoint with Model and SN
The modelSearch REST endpoint is available from CPS release
Use PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Search getModelSearch endpoint to produce the search results of the information elements (IEs). This endpoint can be used by the connector to display results on the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery search page or third party tool. You must have valid license and access to models to access the endpoint.
The default applicability of the model or sn is applied to get applicable orientation paths and results are obtained. It produces search results in the JSON format.
A typical modelSearch REST structure is formulated as follows: <Protocol>://<Server>:<Port>/ACD/servlet/servicecenter/rest/search/modelSearch/{model/sn}?{infotype}&{symptom}&{infotype}&{pubtype}&{parttype}&{kittype}&{symptom}&{searchtype}&{showallparts}&{$top}&{$skip}&{$orderby}
In the above REST endpoint, either the model or the sn is mandatory. All the other fields are optional.
Headers required for this REST endpoint are:
static value
Apart from the header information, authorization details or credentials must be sent with every request.
In this REST endpoint,
model (mandatory if SN is not provided, single-valued)—Specify the model name of any product or sub product.
sn (mandatory if Model is not provided, single-valued)— Specify the serial number to be used for a context or orientation path
keyword (optional)— Specify the search text that needs to be searched. If no keyword is provided or if it is blank, the criteria is taken as *, which means searching all.
Filters the results with a subset of information types or elements values setup in the system. For example, Part, kit, partslist, and so on. These values are fetched from facets.xml, and are case sensitive. The value corresponding to key of the facet must be passed.
pubType (optional, multi-valued)—Filters the results based on the facets defined in the system (values fetched from facets.xml). For example, publication types can be manuals, assemblies, and documents. The value corresponding to key of the facet must be passed.
partType (optional, multi-valued)—Filters the results based on part types specified in the facets.xml. The value corresponding to key of the facet must be passed.
kitType (optional, multi-valued)—Filters the results based on Kit types. These values can be fetched from the facets.xml. The value corresponding to key of the facet must be passed.
symptom (optional, multi-valued)—Allows you to display troubleshooting information that is associated with a particular type of symptom. Id or key of a symptom must be provided from the SymptomTree.xml file. Value of id attribute of symptom-value node has to be taken. See the following example:
searchType (optional, single-value: blank (any); PART_NAME_DOC_TITLE_FULL_TEXT or PART_OR_MEDIA_NUMBER_FULL_TEXT)—Allows you to search across all content, within Document/Parts titles or Documents/Parts Numbers. Set to any by default or when not provided.
showAllParts (optional, ‘true’/’false’)—Allows you to get unreferenced (orphan) parts that are not associated to any context, Information Structure or PartsList as results when set to ‘true’. It is set as “false” by default or when missing.
$orderby (optional, DEFAULT (by relevance)/A-Z/Z-A)—Allows you to set the sorting logic of the results. The possible values are DEFAULT to sort by relevance, A-Z for alphabetically ascending order, and Z-A for alphabetically descending order.
$top (optional)—Allows you to set the number of records to be fetched. If not explicitly mentioned, it is handled to fetch all the results from skip/offset value.
$skip (optional)—Allows you to set the number of records to be skipped. This is the offset from where $top records will be fetched. If not explicitly mentioned, it is set to ‘0’ to fetch all of the results without skipping any.
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