This is the main WildFly configuration file. The PTC Arbortext Content Delivery installer configures this file to connect with LDAP and properties related to datasources and database credentials. All password information in this file is encrypted.
The DataSource thread pool can be configured using this file. (Edit <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:2.*”) .A server restart is needed to reflect any change in this file.
In order to enable wildfly specific logging admin can change logging priorities and server will start generating additional logs in server.log file resides in SW/System/WildFly/standalone/log/server.log.(Edit <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:2.*">)
If after installation you need to change passwords for database schema, you can generate encrypted password string using scripts present in SW directory (
Add those encrypted string to <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:security:1.*">
Any customization updates in this file must be done in its template that resides at the same location. The following templates are available:
The template file in which you want to make the customization updates must be selected according to the database type being used.For example, if the Oracle database is being used, the changes or customizations must be done in the standalone-full-oracle.xml file. The updates will be pushed from template to original standalone-full.xml by the Configurator.
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