User Traceability and Core Call Timings in Logs
PTC Arbortext Content Delivery prints the username and Core call timings out-of-the-box in the log files. If you do not want to print the username and the Core call timings in the logs, you can customize logger.conf.xml and stop printing it in logs.
User traceability: The username is printed in two log files, namely sce.log and InService.log along with other information like class name , priority, and so on.
[2020-07-06 23:46:56,450] [DEBUG,SCECoreSearchPlugin;;125_54;;SHARED;wcadmin] Search start
[2020-07-06 23:53:28,330] [DEBUG,SearchServiceImpl;;125_102;;;a_user1] sce.debug {searchPartsInSharedSegment end: with 3725 results}
[2020-07-06 23:54:41,006] [DEBUG,E3CDataContext;;125_115;;;a_user2] runtime debug message: - Found product context in queryInfo
To stop printing the username, you must remove %U from the \InS_SW\Config\System\Config\Logger\logger.conf.xml file. Here, %U is the placeholder for username in logging.
<Logger Category="" Priority="DEBUG" Additive="false">
<Target Name="FileTarget" Type="RollingFile">
<Layout Pattern="[%d{ISO8601}] [%p,%c{1};%S;%R;%I;%T;%U] %m%n" />
<Output Path="${enigma.log.home}/System/Log/sce.log" FileSize= "100000000" Encoding="UTF-8" MaxIndex="5" Append="true" />
<Logger Category="com.ptc.windchill" Priority="INFO" Additive="false">
<Target Name="FileTarget" Type="RollingFile">
<Layout Pattern="[%d{ISO8601}] [%p,%c{1};%S;%R;%I;%T;%U] %m%n" />
<!-- replace with above line for full day and time format -->
<!-- <Layout Pattern="[%d{ISO8601};%c{1}]; %m;%n"/> -->
<Output Path="${enigma.log.home}/System/Log/InService.log" Encoding="UTF-8" FileSize="100000000" MaxIndex="5" Append="true" />
Core Call Timings: It prints the Core interface signature and the time Core server took to process the call. The Core server call is printed in the sce.log file and the coreCmi server call is printed in the enigma.log and the taskManager log files.
The following logger code shows the logger configuration for coreCall and CMICall in the \InS_SW\Config\System\Config\Logger\logger.conf.xml file. To stop printing these logs, you must comment out these loggers from the logger.conf.xml file.
<Logger Category="CoreCall" Priority="DEBUG" Additive="false">
<Target Name="FileTarget" Type="RollingFile">
<Layout Pattern="[%d{ISO8601}] [%p,%c{1};%S;%R;%I;%T;%U] %m%n" />
<Output Path="${enigma.log.home}/System/Log/sce.log" FileSize="100000000" Encoding="UTF-8" MaxIndex="5" Append="true" />