User Task Configuration
The following configurations must be completed in order to implement a User Task shape with a basic mashup.
Complete the following configurations on the PTC.BPE.BusinessProcessNotifier thing.
  1. In ThingWorx Composer, search for and select PTC.BPE.BusinessProcessNotifier.
  2. Under ENTITY INFORMATION, select Configuration.
  3. Enter the following information:
    • SMTP Server:
    • SMTP Server Port: 25
    • Mail Account User: PTC username
    • Mail Account Password: PTC password
The following is sample XML from a thing export:
<accountId><![ CDATA[ jdoe]]></accountId>
<accountPassword><![CDATA[  LXubEaIsxhOAenwoMMkaew==]]></accountPassword>
<fileRepository>[![ CDATA[  SystemRepository]]?></fileRepository>
Complete the following configurations on the PTC.BPE.UserTaskHelper thing.
  1. In ThingWorx Composer, search for and select PTC.BPE.UserTaskHelper.
  2. Under ENTITY INFORMATION, select Properties.
  3. Create or set the following properties:
    • thingworxServer–enter the URL of the ThingWorx server as the Default Value. For example https://<machine>:8080.
    • fromEmail–enter the email from which notifications will be sent as the Default Value.
User Email and Mashups
Create a new user account that can be used to check for notifications.
The following mashups can be used:
  • PTC.BPE.UserTaskPanel
  • PTC.BPE.UserTaskWithDetails