Enhancement Details
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Items found: 104
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Display Tool Preview
You can preview the selected tool.
Dynamic Toolpath Preview
You can see a graphical display of the tool path.
Follow Cut
You can define a portion of a Trajectory cut by defining End 1 and End 2.
New Manufacturing User Interface
Sets of commands are organized by tabs in the Manufacturing User Interface.
Start Point for Closed Loop
You can graphically define the starting point of a closed loop on trajectory NC Step.
You can attach a quilt to solid geometry.
Bounding Edges
You can create overhang geometry defined by a bounding edge.
Creating Side Surfaces
You can create a discontinuity at a specified edge.
Edit Round
You can change the dimension of round geometry.
Extend and Intersect
You can define and control which surfaces to extend and intersect during attachment.
You can mirror selected geometry about a planar reference.
Next and Previous Buttons
You can step through multiple attachment solutions.
Pattern Recognition
You can to recognize geometry as a pattern.
Propagating Geometry Changes
You can propagate changes to mirror, pattern, or symmetry recognition sets.
The Remove tool includes new options.
Rule-based Selection
You can select geometry based on rules such as coplanar, coaxial, and so on.
Shape-Based Selection
You can select geometry conforming to engineering shapes such as bosses, cuts and rounds.
Split Extending Surfaces
You can split surfaces during extension.
You can replace one or more surfaces with a different set of surfaces
Symmetry Recognition
You can recognize symmetric geometry.
Modify Analytic
You can change the dimensions of cylinders, cones, spheres or torii.
Constraining Along the U/V Direction
You can constrain a curve endpoint along the U/V direction of a surface.
Constraining Multiple Curve Endpoints
You can constrain multiple curve endpoints simultaneously, irrespective of the connection type.
Drop Curve Tool Supports Quilts
You can drop curves into a quilt.
Constraining Normal to an Edge
You can constrain a curve endpoint Normal to an edge or a curve.
Unigraphics Support
Support for import and export of Unigraphics parts and assemblies has been upgraded for Unigraphics NX3 and NX4. (Support for Unigraphics NX has been discontinued.)
New population
Starting in 2009, New sets of population will be available for users: - US Army Natick population - Korean population - Nasa Standard 300 population - More
Primary Reference Selection is Enhanced
Correct constraints are automatically selected for you.
Light Graphics Assembly Representation
You can open a Light Graphics representation of an assembly.
Light Graphics Support in the Reference Viewer
There is support for Light Graphics in the Reference Viewer.
New Constraint Types
There are four new constraint types added and there are other changes to the Component Interface and the Repeat Component dialog boxes, the Component Placement dashboard, and the Placement tab.
Using the PTC_CONSTRAINT_SET Parameter
When you place a component with more than one constraint set, the PTC_CONSTRAINT_SET parameter is automatically created for the component.
Renaming Parts and Assemblies
You can rename server-managed items from Creo Parametric, for a standalone Creo Parametric session.
Dragging Components in Light Graphics
You can drag components in a Light Graphic assembly representation.
View Changes
You can see changes made in the component since the start of the current session.
Smart Retrieval Methods
There is a new tool to preview and then select what to bring into your session.
Searching in the Model Tree
You can search in the Model Tree and filter your search.
Redefining Light Graphic Components
You can redefine a component when the component is a Light Graphic representation.
Selecting Components Using a Frame
You can select multiple components using a frame.
Changes to Component Placement User Interface
There are changes to the Component Placement User Interface.
Light Graphics Support in Creo Parametric TOOLKIT
There is support for light graphics in Creo Parametric TOOLKIT.
Regenerating Light Graphics
You can regenerate Light Graphics.
Placing Components from the Graphics Window
You can place components without leaving the graphics window.
Restructuring Components is Easier
You can easily restructure components for top down design.
Default for Constraint Reference
The default for reselecting references is changed.
Drag Component Along Geometry
You can select a geometry as a reference during component placement and define the dragging along that geometry.
Mass Properties User Interface Enhancements
The Mass Properties user interface is modernized and improved.
Assign Appearances in an Assembly
You can assign appearances to any level of an assembly.
Default Color for Surfaces
Surfaces have a default color.
Displaying Curve Knots
You can see curve knots and surface knots when performing a Knot Analysis.
Equal Length Tangents
When dragging two or more curve connections, use Equal Length (Alt) to drag each tangent the same distance.
Flatten-Quilt Deformation Replaces Bend Solid
The Flatten Quilt Deformation feature replaces the Bend Solid feature.
New Freestyle Tool
Use Freestyle for simple freeform surface creation.
Shading With Edges Option
You can select the display style, Shading With Edges.
Snapping to the Intersection of Two Curves
You can snap a curve to the intersection of 2 curves and then apply constraints to either intersection curve.
Support for Phong Lighting
Phong lighting is supported.
Suppressing Entities
You can suppress and resume entities.
Trace Sketch is Improved
Enhancements to Trace Sketch
Visual Mirror
Geometry in the Graphics window can be visually mirrored.
Ball and Bearing Joint Limits
You can place limits on ball and bearing joints to constrain movement.
Corner Chamfer Enhancements
The Corner Chamfer user interface is updated.
Cosmetic Thread User Interface
The Cosmetic Thread user interface is updated.
Project Enhancements
You can project Cosmetic Sketches using the Project tool.
Tapered Extrude
Extrude includes the Add Taper check box.
Additional Arrowheads Styles
There is improved support for Russian ESKD and Chinese GB drawing standards.
Creating Annotation Features is Easier
The Annotation Feature dialog box provides improved workflow for creating annotations.
Detail Options for 3D Annotations
3D models have detail options to control the appearance of annotations.
Dimension Orientation Enhancements
Dimension text orientation is more flexible and easier to control.
Management of 3D Annotation Visibility is Improved
Annotations are explicitly assigned to combination states, bypassing the need to use layers.
Management of Annotation Planes is Improved
Easily create new annotation planes and set the active annotation plane.
New Environment for Annotating 3D models
All tools for creating 3D annotations and managing their visibility using combination states are consolidated into a new environment, tailored to the creation of 3D annotated models.
Ribbon User Interface Updates
Workflows when working with drawings are improved.
Section Lines are Enhanced
There is improved support for Russian ESKD and Chinese GB drawing standards.
Showing Existing Model Annotations is Easier
The Show Annotations tool streamlines the tasks of showing existing model annotations.
Streamlined Management of Combination States
Easily create new combination states and update their properties.
View Notes Enhancements
There is improved support for Russian ESKD and Chinese GB drawing standards.
Replace Manikin Enhancement
In WF4 we implemented the ability for the user to easily replace a manikin in a Pro/ENGINEER with any other manikins for the manikin population library. During this replacement, all existing snapshots (task constraints) were preserved an reapplied automatically on the new manikin. (Only the internal IK behavior were not preserved). In WF5 we implemented an enhancement where the replacement preserved also the current IK Behaviors of the manikin (Ex trunk Flexibility).
Neutral Data Access to View Manager for ProductView Support
Neutral data provides access to View Manager information in Pro/ENGINEER. The Visualization Object Adapter now extracts this information to write into the OL format for rendering in ProductView.
Replacing Components in Groups
You can replace components contained in a Local Group or in a User-Defined Feature (UDF) Group.
3DModelSpace from within Pro/ENGINEER provides a direct link to manufacturers that offer 3D CAD models of their manufactured parts.
Component Placement Enhancements
It is easier to place models in the main window. Improved autoprogression of constraints, expanded information, and new access points minimize the need to leave the model and access the dashboard.
Heterogeneous Design in Context
Heterogeneous Design in Context (HDIC) helps provide companies with managed use of multi-CAD data in Pro/ENGINEER.
Visual Basic Application Programming Interface (API)
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 introduces a new programming interface for Visual Basic.
New Remove Feature
With the new Remove feature, you can remove surface geometry from models for downstream uses like structural analysis or casting creation.
Interface for ProductView Enhancement
The Interface for ProductView now supports the import of ProductView data as exact representation geometry.
New Interface for the JT Module
PTC introduces a new Interface for the JT module for Pro/ENGINEER.
Mathcad - Pro/ENGINEER Integration Enhancements
In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0, new Mathcad compatibility and other enhancements are provided.
Starting Pro/TOOLKIT Applications from Distributed Pro/BATCH
Distributed Pro/BATCH has been extended to allow batch execution of custom Pro/TOOKLIT applications.
2D Wizards Enhancements
Several of the 2D import and export wizards have been enhanced.
AutoCAD DXF and DWG Enhancements
Pro/ENGINEER Interface for AutoCAD includes upgraded support for AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD 2006 formats.
Interface for PDF Enhancements
Several improvements to the Interface for PDF are introduced including support for generation of 3D PDF content.
Import DataDoctor Improvements
The Import DataDoctor (IDD) environment provides tools for repair or reuse of your imported data.
Correct Display of Tapered Threads in Drawings
Simplified drawing representation of new tapered threads according to the ANSI, ISO, and JIS drawing standards is available.
Improved Conversion to Draft Entities
Model edges more efficiently convert to multiple draft types such as Draft lines, Draft arcs, Draft splines, and Draft ellipses.
Draft Datum Improvements
You can create parametric draft datums using the Vertex or On Entity options. The leader and elbow segments of a set datum tag are independently controlled and adjustable.
Updates to Active Layers
Objects maintain their active layer status as you navigate between open windows. When a layer is activated, layers with the same name are activated in any submodels.
Toggling the Display of Annotations
You can quickly turn on and off the display of all 3D annotations.
Extension Lines for Symbols Attached to Draft Entities
You can drag a symbol or surface finish off a straight draft entity or straight model curve, and create extension lines.
Superscripted Symmetric Tolerance Display
You can set symmetric tolerances to appear superscripted from the nominal dimension value.
Setting the Display of Significant Digits
The detail setup option, dim_trail_zero_max_places, sets the number of decimal places when trailing zeroes are used to reach the number of decimal places set by configuration option default_dec_places.
Offset Notes to Reference Points and Axes
You can create an offset note referencing datum points and axes in a drawing. You can create Hole table callouts that are either offset or on-axis, and remain offset during geometry modifications.
Shortcut to Layer Commands
The following layer commands are removed from the Visibility menu (View > Visibility) and relocated under Layer in the Layer tree: Isolate, Hidden Line, Copy Status From, and Drawing Dependent.
Datum Tag Placement in Drawings
Tag placement for set datums attached to Geometric Tolerances (GTOLs) is controlled by where you click on the GTOL to place the tag.
Dynamic Placement of Textures
You can dynamically position and orient textures on a model.