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Items found: 16
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You can attach a quilt to solid geometry.
Bounding Edges
You can create overhang geometry defined by a bounding edge.
Creating Side Surfaces
You can create a discontinuity at a specified edge.
Edit Round
You can change the dimension of round geometry.
Extend and Intersect
You can define and control which surfaces to extend and intersect during attachment.
You can mirror selected geometry about a planar reference.
Next and Previous Buttons
You can step through multiple attachment solutions.
Pattern Recognition
You can to recognize geometry as a pattern.
Propagating Geometry Changes
You can propagate changes to mirror, pattern, or symmetry recognition sets.
The Remove tool includes new options.
Rule-based Selection
You can select geometry based on rules such as coplanar, coaxial, and so on.
Shape-Based Selection
You can select geometry conforming to engineering shapes such as bosses, cuts and rounds.
Split Extending Surfaces
You can split surfaces during extension.
You can replace one or more surfaces with a different set of surfaces
Symmetry Recognition
You can recognize symmetric geometry.
Modify Analytic
You can change the dimensions of cylinders, cones, spheres or torii.