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Choosing One CAD System in a Multi-CAD World

Free CIMdata Buyer’s and Selection Guide

While your partnership with suppliers and partners is great for business, trying to jump the CAD gap is not.

Designers often don’t get data in their preferred file format. With quick design cycles, designers can’t spend their time recreating the model from scratch. They need a CAD tool that allows them to import data, no matter the source, and manipulate and edit the model geometry quickly and easily.

CIMdata Buyer’s Guide:  CAD Selection Criteria

Here’s the good part: you have options. The CIMdata Buyer’s and Selection Guide outlines what to think about before you buy. Authored by globally recognized analyst firm, CIMdata, this eBook is for any company looking for the one most effective CAD software in a multi-CAD environment.

Download CAD Selection Considerations: Multi-CAD to learn more.

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