Packages Table
The Packages table appears when you select the Package page for a particular context. It lists the packages to which you have access for that context. You can also view the Packages table from your Home page to see packages to which you have access for all contexts. To view the table, select Customize > Packages on your Home page.
You can see a table of related packages on the information page of an object by selecting Customize > Related Objects > Packages. For more information, see Related Objects Information Tables.
Changing the Table View
You can limit the packages displayed in the Packages table by selecting a view from the view list. Depending on the context from which you view the Packages table, the following views are available:
View the latest version of all packages. On an object information page, you can view the latest version of all packages related to the object.
Awaiting Action by Others
View only packages for which others must complete an action. For example, acknowledging that a delivery has been received. All versions of packages, technical data packages, CDRL packages, and SDRL packages are visible. Replication packages are not displayed.
Awaiting My Action
View only packages for which you must complete an action. For example, if you are the package creator and the delivery associated with the package is not sent. Package recipients can also use this view to sort packages they have not received or accepted. All versions of packages, technical data packages, CDRL packages, and SDRL packages are visible. Replication packages are not displayed.
Packages for which you have an action to complete as a result of a routing are not displayed in this view.
View only packages that have a state of Canceled.
Delivered by Me
View only packages that you have delivered.
My Packages
View only packages that you have created.
View only packages that have a planned delivery date that has passed with no delivery sent.
Unlocked Packages
View only packages that are not locked.
To define your own view for the Packages table, select Customize from the view list. When you customize the table, you can choose which package types and columns appear in the table and to determine the order in which the columns appear. For more information, see Customizing Table Views.
Column Information
The columns available in the Packages table give you specific information about each package in the table. Depending on your table view, columns such as Number, Version, and Name may appear.
You can change the columns that appear by creating a new view. To do this, select Customize from the view list, and then select the New View action. For more information, see Creating and Editing New Table Views.
There are two types of actions available from the Packages table: table-level actions, which appear on the table toolbar, and object-specific actions, which are listed in the right-click actions menu for each object. Some of the options that display in the row-level action menus depend on the package type.
Using the new package icon , you can create a new package. Other actions available from the Packages table are common across Windchill objects. See Common Actions for a list of common actions available in Windchill.
Click the view information icon to view the information page for a package.
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