Working With CATIA V4 Data
You can work with data populated by the CATIA V4 Windchill Workgroup Manager and use the data with assemblies without needing CATIA V4 as the authoring application. The following PDM actions are supported:
• Open from Windchill
• Insert and Replace (from the information page)
• Save to Workspace
• Check In (Auto and Custom)
• Check Out
• Revise and Check Out
• Undo Checkout
• Update (All and Current)
• Representation Management (Include, Exclude, Switch)
• Save As and Rename
In Windchill, the extension for CATIA V4 file names is .model. Existing CATIA V4 data will maintain its authoring application as CATIA V4.
The following images display the CATIA V4 data in Windchill and CATIA V5.