Collection Status Window Details
The Collection Status window opens when you start collecting system information using the System Configuration Collector and when you send collected information.
This topic provides details about the cancel functionality available in the Collection Status window and the messages and icons displayed in the window.
Stopping Windchill Actions that Collect or Send Information
When the Cancel Operation button is active in the Collection Status window, you have the ability to stop the remaining Windchill collector actions that have not executed.
• If you click Cancel Operation when a plugin is executing, Windchill attempts to stop the execution of the plugin; however, stopping a plugin execution is often not possible and the executing plugin may continue executing until it completes. All remaining plugins are canceled and, if the remaining actions include send operations, those actions are also canceled.
• If you click Cancel Operation when a file is being sent, the current send operation is not stopped; however, all remaining send operations are canceled.
When you cancel Windchill collector actions, Windchill does not delete the folders or files generated from plugins that have completed but have not been sent. Instead “-canceled” is appended to the time-date folder names that were generated. For example, assume the information was saved on July 10, 2010 at 5 seconds past 2:35 PM and then the operation was canceled, then the directory name for the canceled operation is:
After canceling collection actions, review any of the generated information to determine if it is useful. Be sure to delete any files and folders that remain after your review is complete.
Understanding Plugin Messages Displayed in the Collection Status Window
When Windchill starts collecting system information, the Collection Status window displays the categories that you selected when you initiated collecting the information are listed.
As each plugin executes, the display updates with messages that have the following format:
Executing plugin: <plugin_display_name>
<plugin_display_name> plugin executed using: <process_id>@<host_name>
Collected data location: <Windchill>/utilities/SystemConfigurationCollector/saved/
Is the display name of the plugin that is executing. When creating a plugin, the creator specifies a display name that is used by the System Configuration Collector. The display name is not necessarily the same as the MBean name that is viewable from a JMX client.
Identifies the software process (server manager, method server, or other process such as the Windchill Directory Server process) and machine on which the plugin is executing. If there is an issue with the execution of the plugin, you can use the process ID to locate the running process. The machine name identifies where the process is running and where the information collected by this plugin is saved locally.
Is the Windchill installation directory path.
Is the subdirectory created to hold all collected information from a specific action to collect system configuration information:
◦ If you selected the Collect and save option, the <save_dir> is the directory that you specified in the Collect System Information window.
◦ If you selected the Collect, save, and send option, the <save_dir> is the letter C followed by the technical support call number that you entered in the Collect System Information window.
Are the additional directory paths established for the type of information being stored and the date and time on which files are created. For additional details, see
Collected Information Details.
Indicates whether the plugin completed successfully and gives the directory path where status information is stored. The following messages are possible:
<plugin_display_name> completed successfully. Indicates that the plugin execution completed with no errors.
<plugin_display_name> failed. <message> Indicates that the plugin execution did not complete successfully. The <message> returned indicates the type of problem encountered.
When the message returned identifies an invalid source location, one possible explanation for the failure is that the plugin may be trying to access a file from a component that is not installed. For example, if you run the plugins in the Windchill Business Reporting category when you have not installed Windchill Business Reporting, many of the plugins in this category fail because the required files are not installed.
When you cancel the collection operation during the execution of a plugin, the following message is returned:
The plugin execution was canceled.
If one or more plugins were executed and other plugins were not executed, the following messages are returned:
Collection operation has been canceled; Before the cancelation, execution of one or more plugins completed successfully. Results:
One or more plugin executions failed.When executing plugins in a clustered environment, the System Configuration Collector determines where individual plugins execute. Multiple sets of messages are returned if a plugin executes on multiple nodes in the cluster. In each set, there is a unique process ID and host name that identifies where the plugin was run.
After all plugins have been processed, the following messages are returned:
All plugins have been processed.
Saving the plugin execution status log to: <Windchill>/utilities/SystemConfigurationCollector/saved/<save_dir>/PTC_Logs/<date_time>The name of the status file that is saved is gatherExecutionStatus.log.
For example, assume the successful execution of the Web Server Logs plugin produces the following messages in the Collection Status window:
Executing plugin: Web Server Logs Web Server Logs plugin executed using: 3456@myhost Collected data location: D:ptc\Windchill\utilities\SystemConfigurationCollector\saved\issue15\PTC_Logs\100609194415
Web Server Logs completed successfully.From the message content, you can decipher the following:
• The selected category includes the Web Server Logs plugin that is executed by the method server with a process ID of 3456 on host myhost.
• The Windchill installation directory is D:ptc\Windchill.
• The directory entered for the saved information is issue15.
• The date and time of the collection was June 9, 2010 at 19:44:15.
Understanding the Messages Related to Sending Information to PTC Technical Support
As the content of each directory containing collected files is packaged up and sent, the display updates with messages that have the following format:
Sending data on cluster node: <process_id>@<host_name>
<type> directory sent from location: <Windchill>/utilities/SystemConfigurationCollector/
Identifies the software process (server manager, method server, or other process such as the Windchill Directory Server process) and machine used to create the saved files.
Is the name of the directory whose content is being packaged up and sent. Possible types are described in Types of Information Collected.
Is the Windchill installation directory path.
Is the subdirectory created to hold all collected information from a specific action to collect system configuration information:
◦ If you selected the Collect and save option, the <save_dir> is the directory that you specified in the Collect System Information window.
◦ If you selected the Collect, save, and send option, the <save_dir> is the letter C followed by the technical support call number that you entered in the Collect System Information window.
Indicates whether the data was sent successfully. The following messages are possible:
Data sent successfully. Indicates that there were no errors returned.
Sending data failed with: <error_message> Indicates that the send operation did not complete successfully. The error message is usually an HTTP response code followed by a message indicating that there was an issue with the transport or a Java message if there was an issue with the data itself.
When you cancel the collection operation when data is being sent, the following message is returned:
Request received to cancel current operation.If one or more directories were sent and other directories were not sent, the following message is returned:
Send operation has been canceled; one or more directories have not been sent. Before the cancelation, some data was sent.The following message is an example message that indicates that the send operation was successful:
Sending data on cluster node: 3456@myhost WinDU directory sent from location: D:ptc\Windchill\utilities\SystemConfigurationCollector\saved\C7111666\WinDU\
Data sent successfully.From the example, you can decipher the following:
• Files in the WinDU directory were created by executing plugins on the method server with a process ID of 3456 on host myhost.
• The Windchill installation directory is D:ptc\Windchill.
• The call number entered is 7111666.
• The contents of the WinDU directory is being sent.
If you are storing a copy of the sent files locally (which is the default), Windchill saves the ZIP files and then deletes the corresponding files from the saved directory. For details on the default sent directory, see Local Directory Structure for Sent Information.
After all data is sent, the following message is displayed in the window:
Data from all directories has been sent.
If sending any data (including the report) fails, the following message is displayed in the window:
One or more send operations failed.