Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About > Illustrations
The includes features that assist you in creating an Information Control Number (ICN) illustration and adding it to S1000D service content.
The option to maintain a direct link between the final illustration and its original CAD source file (Creo Illustrate or Arbortext IsoDraw graphic) is also supported.
These features support the process of creating and maintaining ICN illustrations:
Create a new illustration in Windchill and add it to an information structure
For more information, see Create a New Model Identification-based ICN and Create a New CAGE Code-based ICN.
Create an ICN Metadata File and link it with the ICN (S1000D 4.2 products only)
For more information, see ICN Metadata Files.
Insert an illustration into XML content in Arbortext Editor. You can also create a new illustration in Arbortext Editor.
For more information, see Insert an Illustration.
Use templates when creating new illustrations in Windchill or in Arbortext Editor
An illustration template provides a default height and width measurement for the graphic type, a primary content file, a blank secondary content file (if applicable), and instructions to the illustrator.
Graphics in illustration templates are sized for use in US (US Letter) or European (A4) page sizes.
Support for CAD graphic types Creo Illustrate (.c3di) and Arbortext IsoDraw (.iso), which are not defined in the specification
You can browse for these graphic types in the Browse Graphic Entities dialog box when inserting an ICN.
Requirements for displaying these graphic types in Browse Graphic Entities:
A graphic fallback is setup for Arbortext Editor, listing both the primary content file extension (e.g.c3di) and a valid secondary content extension (for example .pvz)
For more information, see Set up Fallback Mechanism for Secondary Content of an Illustration.
The notation type of the secondary content file is defined as Graphic/Multimedia in the Notations group of the S1000D look up library
Option to define primary (source) and secondary content (representation) for an illustration when creating an ICN
This is supported with Creo Illustrate or Arbortext IsoDraw illustration templates. For example, if you want to have a source .c3di file as the primary content of an illustration, and its .pvz representation file associated as the secondary content, select a Creo Illustrate template when creating the ICN.
Creo Illustrate templates
Primary content (CAD source): .c3di
Secondary content (representation): .pvz
Arbortext IsoDraw templates
Primary content (CAD source): .iso
Secondary content (representation): .cgm
If you create an illustration from a Creo Illustrate or Arbortext IsoDraw template, a blank secondary content file is included as an attachment to the ICN automatically. You can edit the illustration in Creo Illustrate or Arbortext IsoDraw so it includes the required secondary content graphic. For more information, see Include Secondary Content Attachment with an Illustration.
For instructions on how to associate an ICN’s secondary content file as an attachment to an ICN created from a local file, see Include Secondary Content Attachment with an Illustration.
If you do not want to use the primary/secondary content feature for a .c3di or .iso illustration, you do not need to carry out the recommended best practices (inclusion of representation as secondary content and set up of graphic fallback mechanism). Without these best practices in place, secondary content files are not created when working with .c3di or .iso graphics.
Option to import ICNs of multiple formats, and have the formats linked as primary and secondary content.
For more information, see Include Secondary Content Attachment with an Illustration.
View an ICN in XML content in Arbortext Editor
If your ICN includes secondary content, you can view it when opening the ICN in Arbortext Editor.
To support the display of secondary (representation) content in Arbortext Editor, PTC recommends the best practice of setting up an Arbortext Editor fallback mechanism. For more information, see Set up Fallback Mechanism for Secondary Content of an Illustration.
Include secondary content of an ICN when it is published or exported
For more information, see:
Publishing to Arbortext Content Delivery A&D
Publishing to PDF
Export an S1000D Package
To support the use of secondary (representation) content in output, PTC recommends the best practice of setting up an Arbortext Editor fallback mechanism. For more information, see Set up Fallback Mechanism for Secondary Content of an Illustration.
If you do not follow PTC’s recommended best practices for working with primary and secondary content of illustrations (inclusion of representation as secondary content and set up of graphic fallback mechanism), the secondary representation will not be published.