Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About > S1000D Object Initialization Rules (OIR) Administration > Library-based OIRs
Library-based OIRs
Library-based OIRs are used to control the Meta objects (Root, Group, and Object) that form part of the S1000D library.
Root — the Library structure’s root in the Parts Structure
Group — a section in the structure, such as a group of Information Codes
Objects — the individual items, such as Information Code A, Information Code B
The Library as a whole is used to look up values when creating content such as data modules and S1000D part list items (in an AAD Part List).
Load files:
Can be customized?
This algorithm is quite complicated. In its current form it goes through each Arg to find the first folder that is available. It first tries to find a localized version of a folder name in the Product, then falls back to a known English folder name in the Product. The last <Arg/> is for when the object is being used as part of a Library container and is output into the /Default folder.
Introduces a custom lifecycle and workflow for library based objects, groups, and roots.
End users can change this if they want to use a custom workflow.
PTC recommends copying the existing lifecycle and workflow, and updating the OIR accordingly
Initializes to Unlocked to provide flexibility when changes are needed in the structure.
Objects, such as Manufactures, in a lifecycle with the Locked and Unlocked state could be created at the Locked state if the user does not intend to make any changes.
This can be changed in coordination with life cycle template changes.
Custom attributes can also be added.